Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The building was on fire.

  Even with that known fact, Demetria remained inside with me.

  "It's my life or yours." She said. She was clearly on the verge of losing it. I could tell by the crazed look in her eye that she was more concerned about finishing her task than saving herself from burning to death. "Mine, or yours."

  "Yours." The Other Me spoke through. Despite my hands being tied behind my back suddenly, I managed to sit up.

  A weird cackle came from Demetria.

  "You finally accepted her." She said. The knife in her hand trembled. "Now we really can play."

  "You're such a child."

   Demetria gripped the knife tightly, swinging at me. I broke free from the binds and knocked the knife out of her hand. It clattered to the floor below. The quickness of the defense shocked Demetria but still, she swung again.

  I leaned back far enough to escape a blow to the face. She kept swinging wildly and had suddenly acquired a pocket knife. She swung with her body again, this time grazing my cheek. I froze, earning a solid punch to the face.

   I stumbled back, touching the bruising. It stung but with all the adrenaline running through me, I healed faster.

  "My turn,"

  I shot up from the floor, taking off into a sprint towards her. I ran past her at a speed that felt like I was flying. Each pass, I dragged my nails across her skin, breaking the surface. My hands were coated in her blood when I finished. Demetria clutched her sides, growling. She ditched her jacket and charged at me.

  We exchanged kicks and punches but I gained the upper hand from my previous attack. She was weakening with each strike and it was only a matter of time before I completely dominated her. She was losing so much blood that she struggled to heal and I gave her no time to. My intentions were to hurt her but looking at her now, I remembered I wasn't the only one out to get her.

  I began to charge again, a growl growing in the pit of my stomach. Demetria watched fearfully as the knife she previously had was in my hands and coming for her. I latched onto her upper half, sending the knife into the side of her neck and pulling it out. She collapsed to the floor in a pool of her own blood, ending this fight.

  I began to come down from my adrenaline rush. I felt the Other Me trying to get me to finish Demetria off but I resisted and watched her struggle to breathe.

  "You can't win, Hailey." She choked. "They'll come for you even after I'm gone."

  "Let them," I said.

  The pain from all the fighting started to take its toll on me. I quickly made my way towards an exit, hoping that I'd make it out in time before the whole building collapsed from the flames. The further I distanced myself from Demetria, the more I felt guilty leaving her behind. But I didn't go back. Even if I wanted to go back, the flames were too much and I couldn't guarantee both of us making it out.

  "Hailey!" I heard someone calling. "Hailey, where are you?"

  "Over here," I choked on the smoke.

  I could hear them trying to get closer, only being met by burning wood. The whole building was collapsing in on itself quicker than expected. I wasn't sure how long I had been unconscious but the fire was ruthless.

Having Two Mates {2017}Where stories live. Discover now