Chapter Eleven

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Streamers and confetti were showered onto me as party horns were blown. I had opened the door to my family and friends all crowded in the living room, waiting for my return. Beside me, even Alex was shocked.

As I made my way through all the hugs friends and family gave me, I could help but be somewhat surprised. I knew my parents were planning this party but I wasn't expecting some of my closest friends and relatives to be here.

"You've grown up so much!" My aunt Claire says. She is my mother's older sister who visits only on special occasions. She lives an hour away now so I may be seeing her more often since we're closer now. "How have you been?"

"I'm alright." I smile.

"This is quite a party your brother put together," She says. We were standing opposite of my proud brother. He noticed us and outstretched his arms as if asking of our thoughts on the decorations.

I had to admit. He had outdone himself considering he wasn't here when we moved in. There were lights neatly wrapped around the railings on the balcony outside the back door and there were lights inside the balloons too.

"No offense to your brother," My aunt said quietly as we head towards the backyard. "But it looks like Pinterest threw up in here."

We both held up a pair of thumbs up towards him, hiding our laughs from her jokes.

"Well I won't keep you," My aunt says. "I figure you'd rather catch up with some old friends than with your aunt."

She nods towards a group of people down below in the backyard huddled around a small tall table. The group looked up at me and waved wildly.

"Go on," My aunt nudged, sensing my excitement.

I raced down the wooden steps and across the yard, colliding into the open arms of three good friends of mine. Pulling away with a smile, I had to take in the small changes in my friends.

"Luke, you've finally hit that growth spurt of yours." I laugh.

"I knew he'd catch up someday!" Logan pulled him into a headlock.

Luke shoved him off, blushing crazily. "Knock it off."

"His voice even caught up to his age too." Phoebe taunted further.

"So how have you been without us around?" Logan directed the attention off of Luke. Logan was tall and dark haired versus Luke who was taller and had brown hair. The three of us met back in kindergarten, along with Phoebe as well—a funny story to be told at a later time.

"I've been okay," I reply. "It's been a pretty interesting few days."

He raised a brow, "How so?"

I blanked. I hadn't thought about how I was to explain to my friends that I found out one of my mates is an alpha of a werewolf pack and the other is a vampire. Not to mention my brother's mate may be out to get me and there is this odd aura surrounding those around me. Besides, I wasn't sure they knew anything or believed in the supernatural making it seem like a waste to tell them anything.

"Hailey?" I was called.

I blinked. "Oh, sorry."

My eyes caught sight of a head of blonde hair behind Logan and Luke. I peered over finding another old friend of mine amongst us.

Having Two Mates {2017}Where stories live. Discover now