Chapter Six

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Friday came faster than expected and I was slightly freaking out about my date with Alex after school. I hadn't seen him all day. I walked to school by myself in full paranoia because of him. I had expected he'd at least make an appearance and confirm that we were still on for later but no, he had gone completely M.I.A today.

Coming home, I found a note stuck to the door that was signed by Alex telling me to be ready by four o' clock. I smiled to myself and let myself in to go change into something nice. Nothing too fancy, just a floral top and I let my hair out of the braid I had it in. Four o'clock came fast and a knock on the door downstairs told me it was time to go.

Feeling giddy, I grabbed everything I thought I would need and jogged downstairs to greet Alex at the door.

"Hey," He smiled at me, extending his hand out for me to take. I took it, welcoming the familiar tingles. "You look nice."

I felt heat rising to my cheeks from his compliment.

"Was that the wrong thing to say?!" Alex suddenly began to panic. "I-I'm not really good at this whole complementing thing. Plus this date is kind of early so I completely understand if—"

"Alex, it's fine." I cut him short. "Thank you for the compliment." I said as I locked the door.

He sighed in relief, "Well, should we go so I don't embarrass myself even more?"

I nodded and he led the way to our destination. During that time, we conversed about my day at school and occasionally glanced at each other, making eye contact, and looking away while giggling like small children.

We arrived at a park that seemed abandoned for some time. The grass, however, was greener than the trees around it and there were spring flowers growing amongst it. As we walked further toward the park, I spotted a picnic set up and smiled.

"Ta-da!" Alex grinned.

"You skipped school for this?" I asked him.

"I-I didn't skip school," He reddened. "I got sick."


"I managed to get the flu," He mumbled, looking away to hide the massive blush on his face.

  "The flu, right."

I giggled to myself and began to exam the picnic further. He didn't choose a traditional blanket. Instead it was a solid, navy colored one. There was a basket in the middle with plates and napkins sat on top. There were daisies lying on top and I could smell cake.

"I did horrible didn't I?" He asks. "I looked up how to set this up and everything and I wanted to make sure it wasn't too extra and—"

I laughed, "It's perfect Alex."

"Really?" He beamed.

I nodded.

He excitedly sits down on the blanket and I follow, watching him pull out what we were going to eat. He started with the grapes and sliced apples in plastic containers, then pulled out something wrapped in foil, then he pulled out what appeared to be sparkling grape juice and water saying, "Just in case sparkling isn't your thing."

"So does anyone come here?" I asked him as he fixed the plates.

"Not that I know of," He says. "Today's a nice day so I would assume they would."

I nodded and accepted the plate he handed me. There were grapes, a triangular cut sandwich, and a small amount of pasta. My eyes widened at how professional it all looked. It was as if in his spare time he cooks.

Having Two Mates {2017}Where stories live. Discover now