Chapter Twenty-Two

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It wasn't long before the voices came back. Along with it, the aches in my bones. Of course, the other me didn't wait for invitation to make an appearance. I had nightmares almost every night. They were so bad they kept me up all night and eventually found their way into the day. I was living in a night terror and all anyone could do was give me sad smiles and assure me I would be okay.

I could see it though. I could see the uncertainty in their eyes. They weren't sure what to do with me because I would snap if they pried too much. It was only when Alex was around that my aggressive side seemed to let up.

Alex and I hadn't exactly made up so to speak. The Other Me accepted his apology, hence why she was so calm around him. I, however, didn't give in so easily. Yes, I was being stubborn but I wanted answers still. No one had given me that. All I got were apologies after apologies but that's not what I wanted.

That pissed Other Me off which often led to internal conflicts. My temperature would rise in a blink and I would be left curled up into a ball begging for mercy. It was her sick way of getting me to forgive him but since I wasn't budging, she moved on to keeping me awake at night and scaring me throughout the day for extra measures.

"So I've got good news," Luke says. "I've tracked down Sammie and we're in luck, she's not too far away."

"That's good." I say.

He nods excitedly. "Working with the Trackers is much more efficient than running through the woods all day after her." Then he frowns. "It's sad though. I didn't think my first hunt would be my own best friend."

"Hey Luke," I called. I had been meaning to ask the question ever since I found out that he was a hunter. Besides the frightening images I saw every night, Sammie was always on my mind. "What happens to Sammie when you find her?"

He closes his laptop slowly. "It all depends on what she confesses when we bring her in. That is, if she confesses. If there's anyone more stubborn than you, I'd say it's her."

"You won't kill her will you?" I ask quietly.

He was silent for a moment. The thought of killing our best friend was not something we wanted to picture.

  "Even if my heart says no," He replies slowly. "My job entitles me to take care of her should the matter come."

My eyes widened. "You don't have to, Luke."

"I know Hailey." He says. "I know."

"Then why--"

"I have no choice when it comes down to it, Hales." He frowns. "She's doing things that put her in a position to be killed. If I don't do it, they will without a single thought."

"So you'd rather kill her than let her live with her mistakes?"

"You know I would if I could!" He shouts. "You know I would." He sighs.

We sit in silence for some time. I didn't mean to make him upset but I felt it was unfair to kill her for something she didn't have control over. We both knew Sammie was capable of some cruel things but not murder or anything they were pinning her for. She wouldn't do this on her own. I still fully suspected Demetria of being the mastermind behind all of this. Her actions the other day only put more attention onto her.

"Can you look into someone for me?" I ask him.

He raises a brow at me.

"Can you track down Demetria for me?"

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