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A forty-eight Emma Hargreeves, was walking down the street of Dallas.

She was slupring on a soda she was holding in her left hand while she was holding a hotdog in the other.

Today was 22th November 1963. It was also the day president JFK was going to be assassinated.

It has being over 30 years since Emma and Five got stuck in the apocalypse, and in those years, they actually fell in love and now the two who used to hate each other so much was actually happy married now, who would have thought that

After spending 32 years in the apocalypse, the two finally got away from that broken world, not because of Five, but because of some woman name The Handler, a crazy evil cold hearted bitch.

She offered the couple a job, they will spend five years working for her in a place called The Commission, not a good place.

She would get Emma and Five back where they belong in return for five years of service. Once their contract is done, Five and Emma can retire to the time and place of their choosing with a pension plan to boot.

While working at The Commission, Five and Emma spend a lot of time trying to finished the equations so they could get back.

Five have tried to studie the equations every since he got stuck in the apocalypse. Both him and Emma have working no-stop and after three years Five have finally found the right equations.

So today was the day that the couple were sent to 1963 on a job by The Commission to make sure that president JFK was assassinated. But it was also the day the married couple Emma and Five were gonna break their contract with The Commission, so they could travel back and stop the apocalypse from happing.

Both Emma and Five was obsessed in stopping the apocalypse and when they were in the apocalypse, not a day went by where they weren't worried about their siblings.

And today they were going do to something about that.

Emma threw the rest of her drink in the trashcan before she walked towards some fences by a parking lot to see her husband Five turning up the radio.

Five turned around to see his wife approaching him "There you are, I got worried for a sec" he said "Relax Jumpy Guy, I got hungry" Emma said as she eat the last piece of her hotdog.

"Is everything ready?" she asked and he nodded "Everything is ready" he said before he pulled up their sister's book, the one where all the equations was writing.

He opened it before looking through it and he pointed to one equation, nodding his head "Okay, this is the right one" he said "Are you sure?" she asked "I'm sure Em, this is the right equation" he replied "Let's me see" she said as she walked over to him to look at the equation.

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