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Flashback start....

Emma walked over to Five "You okay?" he asked "Yeah. I'm fine, a lot better actually" she said "Do you want to rest?" he asked "No thanks, I'm good" she said before she walked closer to him.

"I have a present for you" she said "What did you get me?" he asked "That's the thing...It'll be here in around eight months" she said and he looked confused on her.

Then she let out a small smile as she put her hands on her stomach causing his eyes to widened "Wait...Love? You're---" "Pregnant" she said and he smiled "You're really pregnant?" he asked and she nodded.

"But last time we di--" "Was a month ago, a day before we joined the Commission" Emma said cutting him off.

"A baby" he said quite.

"I could be a father" he smiled for a second but then his smile dropped.

"How is that going to work with the whole Commission thing? What would happen if they find it out?" he said as he kept walking back and forth, he was so focus on his thoughts that he forgot Emma were in the room with him.

"And what about time travel? Could we still time travel with a baby? Is that even safe?" he scoffed "Time traveling is never safe" he said quite again as he let out a sigh.

"Five. Are you okay?" Emma asked and he looked at you.

"What are we going to do? How are they going to react to a baby? How is The Handler going to react? She's crazy enough do something?" he said as he was panicking a little bit.

Emma let out a sigh "Honey. I'm scared" she said as she let out a sob "I'm happy too, trust me, I would give the baby the whole world...But" she said "But?" he asked.

"I've never taking care of a baby in my life" she said "There's a first time for everything" he said "What if I'm not a good mother...I don't know the first thing about baby or kids" she said "Honey, you would be a great mother" he said "What makes you so sure?" she asked "I don't know, but I think it will just come" he said "What shall we do, with the whole travel back in time?" she asked "I don't know, time travel is never safe, but I think we can handle it" he said "Who knew that we would become parents" she said "Me either" he said before he grabbed her hands "But no matter what, we will get through this together and I will protect you both, with my life" he said and she smiled before they rested their foreheads against each other "We are gonna get through this together" he said "Together" she said

Flashback ends...

Five parked the van across the street from the Meritech Prosthetics.

"There is our guy" Emma said as she pointed on Lance who entered the building "Alright, now all we need to do is wait" Five said "Patience have never being my strong side" she said "I know, but sometimes we just have to wait" Five said "I know" she said before she looked at him "Delores" she said and he turned his head to the bag in the back "Oh, shit" he said before he unzip the bag "Hey" he said and pulled up a bottle of whisky before he pulled up Delores and put her next to him "Sorry, you were in there for so long, Delores" Emma said before Five look out of the windshield "No, I'm not drunk. I'm working" he said.

Love of mine (Five Hargreeves 1)Where stories live. Discover now