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Emma was wearing a uncomfortable and showing red uniform as she was serving tables in a bar.

It was not a very nice bar, all the women working here were all someone that had no money and had to work in a place like that to afford roof over their heads.

"Emma, you okay?" the woman that was standing by the counter asked as she gave her three drink "Yeah" Emma lied with a nod "You just look tired and you don't look good" the woman said "I'm fine Alice, I just haven't slept in a long time" Emma said before she put the three drinks on the tray and walked over to a table.

"Here is your drinks, sir" she said as she took the drink from the tray and put them on the table where three guys was sitting.

The guys smiled creepy at her before the one that sat closest slowly slide his hand down her bar waist "A pretty girl like you deserve a proper tip" the guy said as his hand slide down to her lower parts "What do you say we used one of the rooms in the back and I will give you a round you will never forget" he said.

But then Emma grabbed the guy's wrist tight causing him to grunt "Listen here asshole, I'm not available and if you ever touch me like that again, I will break your bones" she said as she tighten the grip causing the man to grunt.

Ice started appearing around the area where Emma was holding the guy's wrist.

"EMMA" someone angry called out and Emma looked towards the voice to see a tall man with his head tilted.

Emma let go of the man wrist before walking over to the counter with the tall man following her.

"How many times have I told you not to behave like that towards the customers" the man said and Emma let out a scoff as she put the tray by the counter.

"I just don't like them touching me like that, Bob" Emma said "Well, you just have to deal with it, that's how this place work, if the customers want a round, you give them that" Bob said "Not me" Emma said "Listen Emma, I have being patient with you for a long time now, and I'm done, you are going to let them touch you and if they want a round, you are gonna give them that" he said and Emma rolled her eyes "What if I don't want that?" she asked as she turned to look at him "Then you can no long work here" he said "Well, maybe I don't to work here anymore" Emma said and Bob raised a brow "I quit" she said "Well, good luck finding another job that want to hire a teenager" he said "Well, maybe I don't need to find a job, cause I'm leaving" she said "Well, nobody will miss you. So you are more than welcome to, you little bitch" Bob said aggressive before he turned around and walk away.

Emma ran her finger through her hair "Don't take it personal Emma, Bob is an asshole, he is acting like that towards all of this employees" Alice said "I'm just so tired Alice, and I just want all the pain to go away, I don't think I can hold on much longer" Emma said "What are you talking about?" Alice said "Nothing" Emma said as she looked at her "I think I will go home now, thank you for being so kind to me" she said "Of course, hope I will see you again" Alice said and Emma just sent her a nod before leaving.


Five arrives at the address that Elliott have giving him. 

He enter before looking around, and he saw what kind of club it was which cause him to let out a sigh.

Was Emma really working here?

"Excuse me sir" a woman from behind the counter said and Five turned to see a blonde hairy young woman "We don't serve minor in here" the woman said "Well, I'm not here for that" Five said before walking over to the counter and he put his hands on it.

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