The Bubbler

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You. Better. Enjoy. It. 😀


It's been a few weeks since the incident. If you don't remember I got hit by lighting well as Wolverine, but it still effects me in my civilian form. I told my mom about my headaches and they've been happening for a while now. She scheduled a doctors appointment and now I have to take medicine till it goes away.

The medicine kinda helps but my head still hurts a bit. Enough of that. I'm very happy because today's Adrien's birthday. I got my present a long time ago maybe like a week ago but still. I got him mini piano, and a mini fencing sabre so he could put it on a key chain and I got him a bracelet but it's homemade and untied.

If he wanted to have it on he could put it on. If not then he could just keep it, somewhere.

I walk out the school and look for Adrien. "Adrien!" I say and wave my hands around. He looks towards me and I take my backpack off. I set it down and take out his present. "Here you go my good sir." I say in an accent and laugh. He laughs along and takes it from me. When I had it in my hand, he reached for it and touched mine. I blushed and put it in his hands.

He starts to open it. "Wow! Did you make these?" He ask "Oh me? No! No no no! I bought them I couldn't make anything that small!" I say I look in the box and see nothing else. "Wait what." I say and start to look through my bag "Found it!" I scream and people start to stare. I look up at Adrien and stand up.

I give him the bracelet. "and another little present. Now this." I laugh "this I made" I finish. He pulls me in for a hug. "Thank you Y/N!" He says and keeps hugging me. I hug him back. I pat his back and pull away. "Dude are you crying?" Nino ask. I grab my bag and look up to see Adrien crying.

"Woah, that's deep." I say.

I see Marinette "Oh hey Marinette!" I walk beside her Adrien and Nino turn around "I, uh, I wanted to, umm, gift you a make-– I mean, gift you a give I made-- I mean..." Marinette speaks but gets pushed which pushes me down. I hit my head on the floor. I open my eyes to see Chloe. "Are you serious Chloe?!" I say while wincing at the pain of my head.

"Oh Y/N! I'm so sorry!" Chloe say and pulls me into a hug. I push her away and help Marinette up. "It's okay." I say and see my car "Happy birthday Adrien." I mutter under my breath and leave. "Thanks Y/N." Adrien says. Once I close my door I wave to my friends.

Once I get home I flop on my bed a throw my bag. "Hey!" Zinna says "Oh! Zinna I'm so sorry!" I say and hold her in my hands "it's okay y/n" she says. "It's Chloe! I hate how she acts all kind and nice around me and Adrien but if she was with someone else other then me and Adrien she'd be going all off on them about how their clothes look!" I exhale.

I get a call from Adrien "Hey Adrien." I say "Hey y/n are you okay?" he ask "I'm fine thanks for asking.. what the-" I turn the camera towards my window I see my mom in a bubble. I drop my phone "Mom? Mom!" I scream running onto my balcony. "Adrien I gotta go!" I say and hang up. "Zinna, full moon!" I transform and jump out the window. I hear loud music and run toward the sound. I stop in front of Adriens house.

I see a familiar bug and jump towards her. I keep looking around and see Chloe and Adrien about to kiss I hear ladybug say something but I can't hear it clearly. "Lucky Charm!" she activates her power and receives a record "A record?" I ask. I wait for Ladybug to do her thing and she throws the record like a frisbee, and she lands it to where the old record was.

"Hey! Who hyjacked my mix?!" Bubbler ask.

"Yours truly" I bow and LBs earrings start to beep. "Go I'll take care of him." I tell her, she just nods and I jump down. "Quite the life of the party ain't it?" I say, I grab a snack and eat it "With people y'know 'having fun'" I put in air quotes. "Y'know this party my be the lamest party ever." I tell Bubble just to tease.

"It may be lame but that's because your here!" He says and he blows bubbles out. I use my yo-yo as protection. "Ouch. That kinda stung" I say. I run towards him still dodging the bubbles he's throwing at me. "Distraction!" I activate my power I jump and then slide between his legs and touch his foot which makes him stop what he's doing and look at nothing.

"Everyone please head to safety! and quick time is running out!" I tell the kids at the party. They all start to run away from the Agreste property. I run up to bubbler and before I reach his stick my power wears off. I grab his stick before he realizes it's gone.

"Well we'll well. Who's the lame one now Bubbler?" I say, then he starts running at me and I flip over him and he runs into a wall. I break the stick "Time to de-evilise!" I catch the butterfly in my yo-yo. "Gotcha!  Bye bye little butterfly!" I say and Ladybug and Chat Noir both land beside me. I hear a "Miraculous Ladybug!" which means that everyone in the air was now on the floor."

"Oh. Seems like you don't need us." Chat says "Oh! Of course I do! I need LadyBug for when we need to fix something and if I'm not there to capture the akuma and you kitty. I need you so you can break anything plus, you give great pep talks. Pound it??" I ask and they put their fist against mine. My bracelet starts to beep. "That's my cue!" I flick Chat Noirs bell "Bye kitty cat." I wink quickly "Bye LB!" 

I head home and onto my balcony. I detransform and go into my room. I go out of my room "Mom!" Mom!" I yell her name "Mom! Where are you?" I turn around and head foot steps "Mom!" I run up to her and hug her. "Oh mom!" I squeeze her tight "Honey are you okay?" She ask holding my cheeks "If fine was in a bubble! Like you. Im glad your ok!"
I say.

Hope you enjoyed! Please tell me if I made any mistakes! I didn't do the part where the hero's got into a bubble so. Yeah but I kinda rushed it because it's late for me. Anyways thank you have a nice night/day!

Bug out!

1231 words

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