Copy Cat

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"Zinna!" I say "Give it back!" I chase after her, because she has my phone. "Zinna I swear!" I jump to catch her and she lands in my hands. I grab my phone "Awh, I was having fun!" Zinna pouts. "I'm sorry but, I need it because the sculpture is going to be showed in" I check my phone "9 minutes!" I shout "Zinna, Full Moon!"

I rush out of my room and run to The Place des Vosges Park where the sculpture is getting shown. I arrive a minute late. "Sorry I'm late." I say "Nice to see you again m'lady." Chat Noir grabs my hand and kisses it. "Hey Chaton." I say.

I see a man with a ponytail "Hey! You're the person who made the sculpture right?" I ask him. "Uh- um, I-" he gets cut off "We have to continue Théo," André says "Wait what about Ladybug?" I ask him. "I tried calling her, nothing." Chat Noir says. I nod.

"It's only proper for Paris to pay homage to those to protect us from evil." The Mayor says unveiling the statues "Wolverine, Ladybug and Cat Noir!" he says and the crowd cheers. I see Alya talking to Théo.

Me and Chat Noir walk up to Theo. "These statues are amazing. One thing's slightly off though— I'm actually taller than Ladybug." Chat says, I slap him on the back of the head "Chat!" I say "Oh it's fine, Wolverine I was actually wondering if I can get your autograph?" he ask and looks down in embarrassment.

"Of course!" I say, "Uh- do you have a pen?" I ask him, he nods and I sign 'Wolf'' "I'm so sorry Ladybug didn't show up, I have no idea where she is." I say handing the paper back to Theo. "I- it's okay." He blushes.

"Well I got to go! See ya!" I say and leave the park.

*~*Chat Noir's POV*~*

"Well I got to go! See ya!" Wolverine says and leaves the park. I put my arm around Theo's arm. "Hey, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but, me and Wolverine, we're a thing y'know."

"R-really?" he asks "Yeah, we're like this." I cross my middle finger and pointer finger. He growls, pushes my arm off of him and walks away angrily. I use my staff and leave the park.

*~*Y/n's POV*~*

I get home and detransform. I turn on my tv and just listen while I draw. "And in some astonishing news, there's been a spectacular theft at the Louvre. Amateur video showed without a shadow of a doubt that the thief is none other than the famous hero, Cat Noir." Nadja says through the tv. "What?" I turn towards my tv and drop my pencil.

"This painting is the cat's meow." Chat Noir says, and runs away with the Mona Lisa. "Okay, that isn't Chat Noir!" I say "How do you know?" Zinna ask, "He's cheesy but not the cheesy." I say "Zinna full moon!" I transform and run to the museum.

I see Chat Noir locked in one of the rooms. "Hey! What's that for?" I ask holding onto the bars trying to open them, they open slightly.

"Mr. Mayor, this is ridiculous! I'm sure there's a simple explanation!" I shout turning to the Mayor. "Kitty's in the slammer Ladybug." Roger says "Now I know, you aren't leaving him in there!" I shout in his face.

"Now, now. Leave it to the experts, Wolverine. We've got it under control." Roger says.

"Okay, since you got it under control I'll just be sitting here." I say winking a Chat Noir. He uses his cataclysm on the bars and escapes. "Thanks for the warm hospitality, but I gotta split, so... I'll just say this one more time. You've got the wrong cat!" Chat says knocking the officers down. "Well, go get him!" Roger says, "I think this time I'll leave it to the experts, you got it under control, plus I have somewhere to be. Bye!" I say leaving the museum.

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