Extra Scene from Kung Food

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Adriens arms pull me up to him now making me at his chest. I snuggle with him and drift off to sleep again this time knowing what was going on.


I wake up and Adrien is nowhere to be seen. Now I have to act like I didn't know I was here. I think to myself. I get up and yawn, "What the... what am I doing here?" I ask myself, Adrien comes out of the restroom with a toothbrush in his mouth. "Adrien?" "Oh, N/n, you're awake." Adrien speaks. "What happened?" I ask him. "Well, I told my driver to go to your house, we went and your mom's assistant said you moved out with your father. I didn't know where your father lived so I just brought you here." he shrugs. "Oh right, oh shit my dad is probably freaking out right now." I look for my phone and grab it on the floor.

I call dad and he immediately picks up. "Y/n? Where are you? Are you okay?" he asks. "I'm at a friends house dad, and I'm fine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything, but apparently my friend couldn't find your house and decided to let me stay at their house because I was asleep in the car." I tell him, there was a sigh of relief over the phone.

"Okay N/n. Be careful but text me when you get home." he says. "Okay Papa. Love you." "Love you N/n. Bye." "Bye." I hang up and Adrien is just smirking at me. "Why didn't you say my name?" He asks laying down next to me. I lay back down "Because he would freak if I told him a was at a boys house." I tell him. "Even mine? Me and your dad are best friends
." he says. "Yes even your house and you were best friends." I correct, "Okay we were best friends but still." Adrien says. "But still what?" I ask him. "I don't know. Just...yeah." he says.

There was a knock on the door and I sat up quickly. "Adrien? Your Mandarin lesson starts in an hour." a lady's voice says through the door. "Thanks Natalie," Adrien says and footsteps descend from the door.

"Ms. Natalie. Love her." I tell him laying back down. "Me too." he agrees.

I face the ceiling and we sit in silence, it was a comfortable silence though. "Do you like anyone?" I ask him. "Y-yeah." he says, I turn my head to him. "Really? Who?" I ask. "I- promise you won't make fun of me?" he asks. "I guess so." I shrug. "It's- Ladybug." he says quickly. "Ladybug?" I start laughing. "See I can't tell you anything N/n." Adrien hits me. "No, no! I'm not making fun of you I just think it's weird. You, Ladybug? She's a superhero, and your a well famous model, with a famous designer dad, plus who knows who's under that mask? I mean she could be a thirty year old." I tell him.

"Your right, but that won't change my mind about anything." he shrugs. I chuckle "Okay Agreste," I look back to the ceiling, I really need to talk to Ladybug and Chat Noir. I think to myself. "Ima go." I tell him. "Already?" he pouts. "Yes already." I take off the hoodie and throw it at him.

"Where's my bag?" I ask him, he points to his desk, I grab my bag and walk out. Adrien follows behind me. "See you Monday?" Adrien says. "Yeah..bye!" I run down the stairs and leave the property. I run to an alley, I open my bag and Zinna flies out. "Hey Zinna." I feed him a grape. "You and Adrien seem like a good couple." Zinna eats the grape. I feel my face heat up, "N-no. He likes Ladybug. Speaking of Ladybug we got to go. Zinna, Full Moon!" I transform and jump out the alley.

I split my staff in half and extend one up me going with it. Once I have a view of the city I take my yo-yo and call Ladybug and Chat Noir. "You have reached the voicemail of Chat Noir and Ladybug." a voice says, I put the phone up to my ear. "Hey y'all wanted to talk I'm ready to talk, meet me at the Eiffel Tower." I turn off my yo-yo and put it back on my suit.

I lean forward and fall down taking my staff with me. I use my yo-yo to swing from building to building. Once I get to the Eiffel Tower I use my staff to help me climb it.

*~*30 minute later*~*

I take out my yo-yo and text the two. 'I'm at the Eiffel Tower waiting for you guys for 30 minute. See you soon.' I text them.

*~*1 hour later*~*

'Im leaving. I tried but you guys didn't. I'll see you guys when I see you.' I text them and leave the tower.


So yeah, should Lb and Cn apologize to Wolverine? Or should we keep up the tension? Tell me please, I'll change their story soon. Also I know y'all want to talk about how Y/n and Adrien and how they're not together yet but trust me I'm getting there. Y'all jst gotta trust the process.

Bug out!

1118 words.

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