The Pharoh

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"Don't blink now, 'cause we are live from Paris. Yo peeps, Alya here, bringing you the one and only Wolfblog."  there was sudden helicopter noise "Huh? What is that?"  Wolverine and Ladybug fly by, both hanging on to their yo-yo, tied to a helicopter and one drops a book. "Wolverine and Ladybug in action! Hang on 'cause we're going for a ride."Alya runs over and picks up the book." Freak out! What you got here is no ordinary book, it's a tenth grade history book. And I should know, 'cause I've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug or   Wolverine be a high school student, in real life? Whoa!" Alya says in the video.

"It wasn't me! I have my book right here! In my hands! Right this second! Wait does that mean Ladybug might be in my class?!" I say. I cup my hands over my mouth realizing what I just said. "It can't be!" Zinna says. "Plus your not supposed to know their identity!" she continues

"Why not? I didn't get my miraculous from the person who gave them theirs!" I say "It's a guardian, the one who holds all the miraculouses. Maybe not all off them. There is way more." Zinna tells me.

"What do you mean more? Like how many?" I ask "I don't know Y/N there's some that us kwami's don't even know about." Zinna says "Wow." I say.

My phone rings I lay back down, I see it's from Alya's Ladyblog "Zinna, full moon!" I jump out of my room onto a building and jump from building to building I stopped and felt my yo-yo beeping.

I look at it and I got a message from Ladybug I open the message and put my phone up to my ear "Hey Wolverine and Chat Noir...where are you?! Do you guys know Alya Cesaire? Yeah well she about to get sacrificed to a sun god! Come to the Lourve!" The message ends. I run and jump as fast as I can to the Lourve.

I land next to Lady Bug and so does Chat Noir. I throw my yo-yo around Alya and pull her to me. "It's that easy LB!" I tell Ladybug then Alya lands in my arms. "Yeah okay." Ladybug says and rolls her eyes "Lucky Charm!" she activates her powers and receives a Wolverine costume with a fake miraculous. "That's our last hope" Chat Noir says

I see mummy's coming our way and start to fight the ones coming our way. Ladybug looks around anxiously. "Chat go put her to safety!" I say but then Paraoh flies by and grabs Alya and puts her back on the light.

"Cmon! Oh and Ladybug if you admire me so much you could've just said that!" I wink and she frowns. Her frown turns into a grin.

"This offering isn't good enough for Nefertiti!" Ladybug says "Hey! Thanks a lot!" Alya says "Too late, Ladybug! The ritual has begun!" The Pharaoh speaks "Set Alya free and sacrifice Wolverine instead! Wouldn't that be the sweetest revenge? 5000 years later! After all, she's the one who kept Nefertiti from you all these years!" Ladybug says

"WHAT?!" me and Chat Noir. "When did I ever say I was ok with this!" I exclaim. She then hands me a fake of my miraculous. "Oh." I say quietly "why can't it be you?" I whisper-shout

"It's true that you would make a much more precious offering than this mortal." He takes then takes my hand tightly "Horus, give me wings!"

"Seriously?" Alya pouts, the Pharaoh then throws her off the beam, she falls, slides down the pyramid, and lands safely on the ground. "Excuse you, but I make excellent sacrificing material!" Alya says.

"You win, Pharaoh..." I pretend to take off my bracelet, I trick the Pharaoh and grabs his pendent. "You want my Miraculous? Go get it!" I throw the fake bracelet, and grab the pendant and punch it.

"No more evil doing for you little akuma!" I open my yo-yo "Time to de-evilize!" I catch the Akuma and pull my yo-yo towards me. "Gotcha! Bye bye little butterfly!" I see red and black going around the Lourve. Then I feel my legs finally and the ground. "Pound it!" we all say

Ladybugs earrings start to beep rapidly. "Bug out!" she says and leaves. I look up to Chat Noir and he looks sad "What's up kitty?" I ask he sighs and talks "It's just, I don't really have to do anything it's just you and Ladybug. I haven't used my power yet." His ears drop. "Awh kitty." I hug him. When I pull away I kiss his on the cheek. "Bye kitty!" I swing off to my house I detransform and feed Zinna.

I get a call from Adrien "Oh hey!" I say picking up the phone. "Hey Y/n, where are you?" he ask. "Uh, I'm by the Louvre. I get turned into a mummy apparently." I tell him practically running to the Louvre. "Oh, well I'll go pick you up?" he ask "Oh, yes please it'll take so long to get there by foot." I say "okay I'll see you." he says and hangs up.

I walk around the Louvre and see Marinette walking out. "Marinette! Hey!" I shout waving my hands crazy. "Y/n? What are you doing?" she ask "I was turned into a mummy and ended up here", even though we both know that isn't true, "But I'm waiting for a friend to pick me up." I say.

"Oh. Yeah I was also turned into a mummy, or atleast that's what Ladybug said." she says. I chuckle, "Yeah Chat Noir told me as well." I tell her, I hear a horn and see Adrien's car. "That's my ride! Bye Mari, I'll see you tomorrow!" I say waving and heading into the car.

"Thanks Adrien, I'd be so sore right now if I were to be walking. I put my head on the seat and turn my face to him. We keep staring at each other but I look away and drift to sleep.

"Y/n?" I hear a voice. I wake up, "Yeah?" I ask, "We're here." he says helping me out the car. I shake my self awake. "Thanks Goldilocks" I give him a kiss on the cheek and head inside.

I walk into my room and flop on my bed "I'm so tired Zinna." I say into the pillow. "But first I'll order your berries and get ready for bed. I groan "Hello? Can I get some berries?" I ask the person on the other side of the phone. In a few seconds a butler is at the door. I grab the plate.

I put it on the table, head into the restroom and take a shower. Once I'm done I dry my hair and head to sleep.
Hope you enjoyed! Ok bye have a good night or day! Love y'all!

Bug out!

1181 words

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