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I wake up from my bed and take my phone off the charger. "Ugh, not career day!" I say grabbing my sheets "Uh- what's career day?" Zinna ask "Well it's a day where students bring their parents to school and their parents show their class what they do for a living." I say "We and guess who isn't gonna be there." I frown. "You could ask your dad?" Zinna ask

"Maybe, but he'll probably be to busy with whatever he does. Whatever it's fine, I'll just get ready for school." I shrug and get dressed.

I grab an apple and walk out the door. I walk up to the car and get in. "Hi Jerry." I say and look out the window. We arrive and I step out the car. The bell rings and a run into the classroom just barging in. I see Ms. Bustier give me a look. I see Marinettes dad. "Sorry!" I say and at down next to Nathaniel.

"Where's your parent?" I hear Nathaniel say "I should ask the same question." I say and look forward. I see Adrien walk in, looking sad and shaking his head at Nino. I see Marinette passing out croissants. She comes upon Chloe and talks to her.

Tom and Alya's mom switch places. "Unfortunately, I have no dishes to share. But maybe Mr. Bourgeois will invite you all to the hotel and treat you to lunch!" Alya's mom tells the class, everyone claps and Ms. Bustier speaks "Next on the list is Sabrina's father, a policeman. Officer Roger!" everyone applauds "I've been a police officer for 15 years, and I firmly believe that every citizen is innocent until proven gui-" he gets cut off by a dramatic gasp.

"My bracelet! It's gone! I had it a second ago." she turns to Marinette "You! You stole it! "What? What are you talking about?!" Marinette shouts in confusion. "You unpurposedly tripped on my bag so you could steal my bracelet!" Chloe turns to Officer Roger "You're a policeman! Arrest her!" Chloe points to Marinette.

"Hey! You can't do that! Not without any proof, Marinette did not steal anything!" I say getting up from my seat and standing next to Marinette. "Your calling me a liar?" she ask "Yeah, I am." I say "Daddy!" she shouts. "Roger, I demand you search this girl!" the Mayor speaks.

I step out of the room and facetime my dad. He told me to FaceTime him if he needed to come urgently. I told him about the situation and a few minutes later he is up the stairs. "Hey dad." I say hugging him. "Hello my darling Y/n." he says and hugs me back "In here?" he ask, I nod. I enter the door and my dad after me.

"André." dad speaks, the room goes silent and I see mouths drop. "My daughter here told me your using your power as the mayor just to please your daughter?" he ask "Uh- Mr. President, and yes but only because Roger here won't search this girl. She stole my precious Chloe's bracelet!" he says

"She has a name y'know?" I ask "You also have no proof of any kind that she did. Also when I was outside I heard you tell Officer Roger that he would get fired if he didn't search Marinette. Right guys?" I ask my classmates and they nod.

I feel a hand on my should and I look at my dad. He nods and I step back. "André may I remind you, I can't take away you job away with the snap of my fingers. So don't try anything." he looks at Chloe and back at André.

"How about we go talk about this in private." my dad says, and touches André's shoulder leading him out the room. "Bye dad." I say and head up to my seat with Nathaniel. I feel eyes staring at me. "Uh.. is everything okay?" I ask, and everyone looks away.

After class I see Marinette and Alya. "Hey guys!" I wave. "Girl! How come you didn't tell us you were the president's daughter!?" Alya shouts. I cup my hands over her mouth. "There are some reasons. My dad didn't want anyone finding out for me and my moms safety, so that's why we don't talk about him much." I say putting my hands down from her mouth.

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