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Me and Adrien walk through the door of the school, coming back from lunch. Our parents won't let us eat in the cafeteria for some reason. We see Nino watching Marinette and Alya. I hold Adriens hand and we walk toward him. "FYI, Marinette's never gonna fall in love with a statue." Adrien laughs. Nino pushes us behind the corner so we can't see the girls anymore. "Shhh! You know I'm no good with the ladies, especially this one all of a sudden. I mean, dude, do I go up to her and crack her a joke? Shoot her a compliment? Invite her to the zoo? Play it serious?" Nino panics. "Nino, you're way over-thinking this. "Invite her to the zoo", you serious?" I chuckle.

"Well, they have this really cool new exhibit there." Nino shrugs. "Listen, just be yourself, man." Adrien puts his hand on Ninos shoulder. Nino shrugs it off.

"That's easy for you to say, Mr. And Mrs. Front-of-the-cover-Teen-Model-weekly. I'm not that cool." Nino crosses his arms. "You're cool too, dude, trust me - or you wouldn't be my best bud. Invite her to the zoo. She'll say yes. I promise." Adrien nods. Ninos chest builds up and he starts walking toward Marinette and Alya. He turns back around and he's slouching, "What if I act like a moronosaurus, or she disses me or thinks I'm lame or-"

"Nino. It's okay. We got your back." We all fist bump and walk outside of the school waiting for the two girls.

"Huh?" Marinette bumps into Nino. "Oh, so sorry." Adrien nudges Nino "Right, Nino?" I nudge him too. I look at his face and he's smiling all awkwardly. "Sorry" Nino clenches his teeth. I look down and see a magazine, with Adrien and I on it. Adrien squats down, so does Marinette, they bump each others head once they both grab the magazine. "Sorry" they say in unison.

Marinette snatches the magazine away and they both stand up. "Sorry about that. How could we make it up to you? Any ideas...Nino?" Adrien asks. "How about we all check out the...zoo today? Word is they've got a new..." I start to talk, "What was it Nino?" I ask, "Uh, they-they got a new panther." Nino stutters. "Awesome idea, right, Marinette? You love animals." Alya wiggles her eyebrows at me then Marinette. "Uh, yeah. I, uh, I'm really into zoonimals. I mean, uh, anizools. I mean zoonimoos. I..." Marinette stares at Adrien.

"Cool. Say, after school, four o'clock?" I look at Nino "Nino, sound good?" Nino nods nervously "Cool, four o'clock then." Adrien takes my hand, "Bye guys! See you at 4!" I shout and I drag Nino with us.

"How did you do that, dude?" Nino asks. I give him a soda and he pops it open. "Like I said, just be yourself." Adrien shrugs. "Right, sure. If I could be yourself, myself don't work that way." Nino sits down on the bench, Adrien sits next to him and I sit on the ground. "You're being utterly ridiculous." I chuckle. "Of course you can. And when you're alone with Marinette at the zoo later on and-" "Whoa, what do you mean alone with Marinette? Oh no, dude. You guys are coming with me. You can't leave me alone by myself. Uh-uh." Nino crosses his arms. Adrien looks at me, then throws away the soda can. He sighs, "No prob, Nino. What are friends for?" Adrien and Nino fist-bump.

I smile. Loving their friendship, seems like they never have fights. Guess it's boys being boys.

Adrien and I get a ride back to his house, Nino walks home because he lives right next to the park. We arrive at the Agreste Mansion and head inside when the car comes to a stop. We go up to his room and I set my bag down."Alright, what are we going to do?" I ask Adrien sitting down at his desk, Adriens face lights up. "What? What?" I ask. "I know, we'll..." he whispers the plan in my ear.

*~*At the Zoo*~*

"Tell her you'll both be better off without me." Adrien speaks into the earpiece. "We'll be better off without me." Nino says. I face palm and snicker. "Uh, without him. I mean, we don't need Adrien to hang out at the zoo." Nino corrects. Adrien looks at me and smiles. I smile back and sit on my bottom next to him, leaning on the fence. "Of course we do, you dumb—oh I mean, wasn't he supposed to come? Don't you wanna wait for him?" Marinette asks over the earpiece. "Tell her you want to be alone with her." I tell Nino.

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