Extra Scene from Lady Wifi.

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"Chat Noir?" I say in shock. Oh no. Did he see me detransform?! I think and open the balcony door and step outside, "Your Y/N, right?" he says "Uh-yeah! How do you know?" I ask and he just points to a advertisement on a billboard for one of the companies I modeled for. "Oh.." I chuckle nervously.

He sits on a railing and I walk up to it and lean forward. "So.. why'd you come here?" I ask "Well, just wanted to talk... I don't know about what though..." he says, I giggle "So you came for fun?" I ask "I guess you can say that." he replies. I look at my hands and play with them.

"Cmon." he says, I look up at him and he's holding his hand out. "Where? Where are we gonna go at 9 pm Chat Noir?" I ask "Just cmon." he says and smiles. "Okay." I say and he picks me up bridal style. Before I know it we were up in the air. I put my head on his shoulder "Uh- Chat Noir?" I ask nervously

"Yes?" he says "I'm uh- I'm kind of afraid of heights." I pretend even though I've done this thousands of times. "Oh my! Sorry" he responds "Oh your fine-I mean it's okay! I mean you are fine bu-" I stop when he looks at me "I'll stop talking now" I say and feel my cheeks glow red. We were on my balcony again.

I sigh in relief, and yawn. "Bye Y/N." he says and just  before he leaves I grab his hand "Stay? Please?" I don't hesitate to ask. "Uh- don't you have school tomorrow?" he ask "No.... I won't lie to you, I mean cmon! Your a superhero, and plus it's a Friday." I look down "Bye Chat Noir." I say and close the balcony door, but I don't hear it close.

"Fine. Just for tonight." he says. "Oh thank goddd" I exaggerate and look at Chat Noir and giggle. I pat the side of my bed so he can lay down. He gets on the side "Goodnight kitty." I say and drift off to sleep.

In the morning I wake up and see Chat Noir around my arms, I blush and hug him tighter. "Morning kitty." I mumble in his ear. He says something but I can't hear him. I slowly back away and go to the restroom to get ready for the race Alix and Kim were having.

I walk out and see Chat Noir about to leave "Aww, leaving already?" I pout. "Well, I do have a life like you." he says, I sigh and walk up to him. I hug him and look up, I see he's looking back down at me. I pull away. "I've got to get ready for something I have today." I look at him. "Bye Chat." I say and head to my restroom, I close the door.


Hope that was good. Idk but have a good night/day!

Bug out!

538 words

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