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"Wolverine, Ladybug, and Chat Noir have saved yet again. How do you supers do it?" Nadja ask "Well, speaking for myself I just do it with my partners and without them I'd probably still be fighting right now and this interview wouldn't be taking place. I love my partners like they're my family, they are honestly the best. Do you know when you have a friend who your really close to? That's me with my partners." I say into the mic, my miraculous beeps. "I got to go, stay safe Paris!" I say and leave the scene.

I run to my house, I land onto my balcony, "New moon." I say "Y/n, don't you have school?" Zinna ask. "Crap I do!" I shout. I feed Zinna "Zinna, Full Moon!" I transform and head to the school. I detransform by the school and run into the building.

I run to my classroom "Sorry Ms.Bustier my driver was late." I say coughing. I run to my seat "Wow, Y/n L/n. The perfect girl being..late?" Nathaniel gasps dramatically. I punch him in the arm "Ow!" he says running his arm up and down. "I am not perfect, but I admit I'm late, look at the time!" I point to my phone.

"Chloé is running for the class representative position and Sabrina will be her deputy. Do we have any other candidates?" Kim raises his hand but I see Chloe and Sabrina glare at him.

"Yes Kim?" Ms. Bustier asks "Uh- nothing." Kim mutters, Marinette burst into the room "The bus was late." Marinette says sitting down in her seat. "I'll do it!" I say standing up. Chloe glares at me "Chloe, your little glare won't do anything to me." I tell her. "Okay and your deputy?" Ms. Bustier ask "Uh.. I haven't chose yet. Can I have some time?" I ask and she nods gently.

"Okay! Great!" I say grabbing my things when the bell rings. I walk out the door but before I do Chloe steps in front of me. I push her out the way. "I'm not gonna listen to you Chloe." I say and walk down the stairs.

I see Adrien and Nino. I walk up to them "Hey dudes!" I say mocking Nino. "Y/n are you mocking me?" Nino ask "No! I'm mocking the other guy who's name is Nino and says dude a lot." I say sarcastically.

"Oh." he says "Wait, I'm the only guy with the name Nino!" he realizes. "Yeah no crap." I respond."I'm hungry." I say pulling out a bag of chips. "Want some?" I ask the two. "Sure." Adrien says and grabs a chip. "So, what's this with you trying out to be a class rep?" Nino ask. "I don't know, I've heard a lot of people talk about how tired they are about Chloe being class representative. So I thought 'Oh why not be one your self?'" I say eating the rest of the chips.

"Really?" Adrien ask, "They're my chips!" I tell him. "Here," I throw another chip bag at him. "Y/n?" a hear a voice. "Wh- Oh hey guys!" I say waving at my classmates. "What's up?" I ask siting by Adrien. "Good job Y/n! You spoke from the heart, it was truly authentic!" Rose giggles. "When you win, can we get more comfortable chairs? They're so hard, I can barely concentrate in class" Rose gasps at an idea "Maybe pink ones!" she adds.

"Hold on." I say pulling out a journal. "So cushions?" I say and Rose nods "Uh- what else?" I ask my classmates. "And it'd be primo if we could listen to our beats while we study in the library." Nino says. "Uh, you know... um, I don't-, you know." Juleka mutters. I look at her in confusion but switch my face "Got it." I say and smile at them. "Thanks Y/n!" Rose says and everyone leaves. "I didn't get it." I groan.

"It's okay" Adrien says. "Welp! Better get crackin' on that campaign! But first I got to find a deputy." I say.

"But yeah, any volunteers?" I ask them, "Sorry no can do dudette." Nino says "I've got alot on my plate." Adrien says. "Ughh, y'all suck." I grab my bag and run to Marinette. "Hey Mari..." I say "What's up Y/n?" Marinette ask "Can you be my deputy? I asked everyone but they said no." I lie. "Sure, I don't see why not." she shrugs. "Goodie!" I say skipping away.

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