Time Breaker.

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I walk out of my room and head outside. I keep thinking about what just happened. I see a familiar gray car. It was Adrien. Oh shoot I forgot he was picking me up I think. I walk to the car and knock on the window. Once I hear a click from the car I open the door. "Hey Adrien!" I say "Hey Y/n." Adrien replies, "Who do you think is gonna win?" I ask "What?" he looks at me. "Did you forget? We are going to Alix's and Kim's race" I remind him.

"Oh yeah, but most definitely Kim." he adds "I think Alix will win." I say "Oh yeah wanna bet?" Adrien ask "Most definitely, how about.. let's see maybe 10 dollars?" I ask "Sure." he says and we shake hands.

We arrive at Trocadéro the place where Alix wanted us to see the race, I get a call from Marinette. "Hey Mari!" I pick up the phone and turn around. "Hey Y/n! Can you tell everybody that I'm going to be a tad bit late?" Marinette ask "Marinette! Alix was kind of counting on you to bring the banner y'know?" I tell her.

"I know, that's what I was going to ask you. My parents need me to help someone with an order, can you come get the banner?" she ask "Marinette I'm already here I can't just leave, plus if I leave and come back it wouldn't make any sense," I add.

"Ugh. Fine I'll be there in a second" she says and hangs up, I giggle and walk towards Alya. Marinette arrives in under 2 minutes. Doesn't she live far away of something? I think. "I'm here! I'm here!" Marinette runs up and trips. I catch her before she hits the floor. "Be careful now." I give her the banner, "Thanks." she sighs in relief and she shows the banner.

Everyone awes at the poster, "Impressive Marrinette!" Adrien says and winks at her, she just giggles in return. "You all picked the wrong side to cheer on. Looks like Alix isn't even showing up! Probably too chicken to race an extreme athlete like me." Kim speaks, I spot Alix "Seems like you spoke to soon Kim." I say and point to Alix.

"Your ridiculous bets are over! I'm gonna leave you in the dust, meathead!" Alix tells Kim "Your no match for me! My head is bigger than your thigh!" Kim says "You really think you did something huh." I ask.

"Let's review the official rules. Two laps around the fountains; approximately 500 yards. The first one over the line's declared the victor! If Kim triumphs, Alix will relinquish her rollerblades to him. If Alix triumphs, Kim will be prohibited from making another dare for the rest of the school year." Max says. "We're done with your stupid dares!" Juleka mutters under her breath

"Uh-huh! That's right!" Ivan agrees with Juleka "No more dares!" Nathaniel shouts. "On your marks.. get set.. g-" Max gets cut off by Alix "Hold on!" Alix says and skates over to Alya "Guard it with your life, my pops gave it to me just this morning! Plus it's a family heirloom!" Alix says and give the watch too Alya.

"Wait Alix, don't you think you should give it to someone else who isn't doing something? Like Alya is recording, Marrinette and I are holding up the banner. So why not someone else?" I ask and shrug "There are less chances of anyone else dropping it." I say.

"Your right, here Adrien, like I said it's a family heirloom, guard it with your life. Please." Alix says "You can count on me Alix" Adrien says with a smile.

"Okay! Ready!" Alix says "Alright, ready... set.. go!" Max says. They zoom off and head towards around the fountain. "Adrikins! Watcha got there an old case of something?" Chloe voices speaks "No but it's probably worth more than your life." I say rolling my eyes. She scoffs "Excuse me?" she says "Oh I said it's probably worth more than your life." I repeat.

"Oh you'l-" Chloe says "Uh-uh. Remember two days ago?" I cut her off and she goes silent "Exactly." I say and turn towards the race.

"Anyways, if it's Alix's it's probably worthless." Chloe grabs Alix's gift "Give it back Chloe!" Marinette holds onto the banner "Yeah, what she said" I say "Well what are you going to do about it?" she ask "Do you really want to find out?" I snap at her. "You can find out in seconds Chloe Bourgeois." I say and spit on her shoes.

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