Lady Wifi

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"I'm very pleased with how you all did on your last assignment. Some of you have really stepped up, and I do appreciate it. Now it's time to move on to our next assignment." Alya sees Chloé, pointing at Ms Bustier. Ms Bustier looks at Alya "Is Marinette still in the girl's room?" Ms Bustier ask as I walk in the room. Adrien waves and I wave back.

I walk to the back next to Nathaniel "Hey Nath." I say. "Hey N/n" he responds, I sit down "Watcha drawing?" I ask, he closes his book "I can't show you yet." he says and grabs his stuff "Oh cmon! You told me you'd show me like years ago!" I pout "We haven't even know each other for a year N/n." he replies "Ever heard of sarcasm Nath?" I was about to head out the door but someone pulls my hand. Everyone was outside the classroom even Ms.Bustier.

"Tonight I want you all to read chapter three of 'The Breathtaking France, the First Thousand Years.' Then, answer this simple questionnaire." She gives two to Alya "See to it that Marinette receives her homework." Ms. Bustier talks to Alya.

I walk out the room and go to the locker room.

I go inside and see Kim holding Alya's phone and Alya is trying to get it back. "Hey Kim." I cross my arms. "Kim give it back to Alya." I say, he looks at Chloe and gives it back to Alya. "Thank you." I say to Kim. I give a glare to Chloe and Sabrina. "Kim... I don't know what dark magic she put you under but I wouldn't recommend hanging out with this witch and her little minion." I look and Nino and Alya.

"Cmon Alya and Nino." I say and they follow after me. "Omg thank you Y/n!" Alya says. "No problem. Now we wait.." I say. "Wait for what?" Next thing I know we are in the principals office. "For this." I whisper in both of their ears.

"She's guilty of invasion of privacy!" Chloe says pointing to Ayla. "What!? Seriously! All I did was take a measly photo!" Alya argues. "Mr Damocles can I say something?" I ask and he just nods "Chloe there's no school policy on invasion of privacy." I say "She's right." She tells Chloe. "Th- Then breaking and entering!" she says "Sir Alya didn't steal anything!" I say

"Only my very soul! My locker is my secret garden! He who enters uninvited burglarizes my inner being, steals my life force!" she turns into Kim's chest and Kim gives a glare and us, I glare back and he looks away.

"Right! An hour of detention Ms. Césaire." Mr.Damocles says "What? Are my ears failing me? Did I hear you're giving one miserable hour of detention to a... a heinous criminal? Sabrina!" Chloe shouts.

"The school rules clearly state that any student guilty of theft should be suspended for one full week." The minion says. "Yes, but she didn't even steal anything!" Mr. Damocles argues. "I'm not sure that my father would share your point of view." She says getting prepared to call her father who's the Mayor.

"There you go again using your fathers power over every. small. thing." I mutter. "What was that Y/n?" Chloe asks. "Every small thing turns into a humongous thing because of you ur childish behavior. I love you Chloe but this has to stop, I don't want to do this because you've been there for me, and I've returned the favor. This is your first and only chance." I say and sit down in a chair in the office.

Chloe still continues to call her dad "Ehhh..." he clears his throat "you're suspended for a week, Alya."

"What?!" I shout. "Oh your gonna hear from my father soon Mr.Damocles." I say "Anybody remember the name D/n L/n? Yeah the l president is my father." I stand up in front of Mr Damocles. "I dont use my dads powers like is my own like Ms. Daddy's girl over here." I take a deep breath, and just walk out the office.

Chloe already knew my dad was president. I guess she forgot honestly I kind of forgot to since my father has been out of the picture lately well, because of presidential stuff.

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