Dark Cupid

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"I'm most fairytales the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess. Can anyone tell us why?" Mr. Bustier ask. "Because only love can conquer hate!" Rose stands up. "Correct Rose." Ms. Bustier "Technically speaking this reasoning is only exhibited in about 87% of all fairy tales and-" Max says "Thank you Max, that's enough." Ms Bustier interrupts Max.

"Adrien, I hope what you're writing has to do with my lesson." Ms Bustier stands in front of Adrien, "Can you tell me what I just said?" Ms. Bustier ask, I hear a gasp but can't tell who it was. "That's why in most fairy tales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess because only love conquers hate." Adrien say's impatiently.

The bell rings "Very good, Adrien! Now, everyone, don't forget to finish Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault tonight, and happy Valentine's day, students!" Ms Bustier says.

"Ugh where is it?" I say "What are you looking for N/n?" Nathaniel ask "Nothing you go ahead I'll meet up with you." I tell him looking for my phone.

"Found it!" I say and walk out the door. "Oh! Y/n! Sign here please!" Chloe says, I look at Adrien who's signing a paper. "You know I hate signing autographs." I tell her "Oh, that's not what this is. This is a petition against cruelty to hamsters. Have you seen some of the ugly sweaters they are forced to wear? It's appalling." Chloe scoffs, "Yeah ok." I say and grab the pen Sabrina was holding.

After I was done I checked for my bag. "Ughhhh" I groan and head inside the classroom again. "Marientte what are you doing?" I ask, she shoots away from the trash "I- uhm- yo-" Marinette gets cut off. "Well well, Marinette, looking for something to eat?" Chloe snickers. "Or maybe better clothes!" Sabrina adds.

"Even if she is finding clothes I bet they'll be way better than what ever your wearing." I shoot at Chloe. Chloe scoffs and turns around. She snaps meaning for Sabrina to follow her.

"Thanks Y/n." Marinette says "No problem but seriously, what are you doing?" I ask "Nothing!" she says and hides something behind her hands "Oh, okay bye!" I say and run to Nathaniel who was waiting for me at the front.

I see Kim and Max, Kim jogging in place. "Operation Valentine's Day is commencing. According to my extensive research and cross-referencing of online shopping sites, this particular jewel," Max opens a box. I walk up to them, "Hey guys," my eyes set on the jewel. "Woah, who's the lucky girl?" I ask.

"That's a secret." Kim says and Marinette and Alya stand next to me. "That's perfect, Max! I better hit a home run with this one. Love is like baseball, right? You gotta have a strategy or you'll strike out. But if you aim right, you'll hit it out of the ball park. Score!" he mimics hitting a baseball.

"That's really pretty!" Marinette says. "It was ranked highest in popularity!" Max says handing the box to Kim. "Sparkly! Is that for moi?" Alya says reaching for the jewel. Kim swats her hand away "No, it's for someone. I'm not saying who though." Kim says " Well, I'm sure whomever it is is gonna be lucky to have it!" I wink and leave with Marinette, Alya and Nathaniel. "Bye Nath!" I wave to Nathaniel and head inside Marinette's house.

We head into Marinette's room, "I know someone who's good at dishing out advice who can't take some herself." Alya says pointing at one of the picture of Adrien. I start to look around the room to see tons of pictures of Adrien. "I didn't even notice those were there!" I laugh.

"Yeah, also Alya your right. It's time I tell him." Marinette says "What?!" me and Alya shout at the same time. "I'm gonna tell Adrien my true feelings! Or I'll write it on a card atleast." she says "Alright. That's something!" I say.

"Operation Valentine' s day is a go!" Alya says and we all half five each other. "Dear Adrien, dear Adrien... Dear Adrien..." she sighs "I'm no good at this love letter writing thing... I sound like a total dorkasaurus!" she says slumping in her chair.

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