The Mime

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Alya shows me her phone and a video when we were walking to Marinette's. 'Hey! Aren't you Alya, the girl who writes the blog about Ladybug? The...Ladyblog!' I ask over the phone 'Uh... yeah!' Alya says 'I like your work. It's awesome. Keep it up!' my Miraculous beeps over the phone 'Your bracelet, Wolverine!' Alya points out 'Ah! Thanks. Better get going. Bye!'. and the video ends.

"Hey Mrs. Dupain!" I say cheerfully walking into the bakery. "Hello Y/n. Hi Alya." she says. "Is Marinette here?" Alya ask. "Yeah, Marinette! Alya and Y/n are here!" she shouts. "Thanks Mrs. Dupain." Alya says and we head up the stairs.

We knock on the door and Marinette immediately opens it. "Hey guys!" she says and motions us to come in. "Hey Mari!" I say. "Girl, you will not believe what just happened to me! So Ladybug had just saved a bunch of workers from a supervillain! There were like a gazillion reporters waiting to interview her and... that's when it happened!" Alya squeals and

"Thats... super...." Marinette says struggling to find the words. "Cool! Super cool! I would've loved to be there." I tell Alya and we head on her balcony. "Wolverine knows me! My blog! She thinks it's awesome! Awesome! Awesomeee!" Alya squeals. Alya was doing hand movements and I see a pigeon copying her.

"Can I see the video?" Marinette ask holding out her hand for Alya's hand. "Sure!" Alya says and hands Marinette her phone.

I giggle at the pigeon "Let me go grab a laptop!" she says, she runs downstairs and I stay with Marinette. She was about to play it but it slips out of her hand, I catch it. "Yeah I think it's better if I hold it." I chuckle. 'Video Deleted' I hear. "What?!" I shout. "Y/n!" Marinette shouts. "Uh-uh! You can't blame me because you. Marinette Dupain-Cheng almost dropped Alya Césaire's phone, but I, Y/n M/n L/n, caught it!" I say.

Marinette just groans "I knowwww. Oh, I really screwed up this time! Alya's gonna kill me!" Marinette says. "It's not the end of the world, and Alya knows how clumsy you are. I'm sure Alya will understand, uh, she is your best friend!" I reassure her. "Your right." she sighs. She goes quite for a minute "On second thought..." Marinette says.

Alya opens the balcony door. "Marinette you got visitors." Alya says and heads back down. I jump down from the balcony into Marinette's bed room. I see Mylene and her dad. "What did you say the name of the play is, Mr. Haprèle?" Sabine, Marinette's mom, asks. "It's called 'The Mime's Extraordinary Adventures', starring the most talented, amazingly awesome actor and mime!" Mylene says.

"Cmon now." Mr. Hapréle says. "My father! Give it up for Fred Haprèle!" Mylene says and everyone in the room claps. "Thank you very much! Thank you, Mylène." Fred says. "Well, congratulations, you must make your daughter very proud!" Sabine smiles. "Now all I need is my hat to complete my costume." Fred turns to Marinette who grabs a hat. "Here you go!" Marinette smiles.

"Thank you, Marinette! Saving me at the last minute." Fred mimes that the hat is inside a box. Fred opens the box and puts on the hat. Marinette holds the invisible box. "Cool!" I say. "Ha! I don't think Mylène was exaggerating at all!" Sabine laughs. "Why, thank you!" Fred smiles. "I fixed the tear in it. I also sewed the pocket on the inside, just like you asked." Marinette says putting the invisible box down. "You've done a perfect job. Thanks to you, I'll have my good luck charm right here next to me at all times. A photo of my beloved daughter" Fred says, Mylene jumps to hug her dad "Aw, dad...".

Fred gets a phone calls and picks it up. I hear yelling but can't hear it clearly. "Yes, I had to pick up my hat! It's not an excuse! I know the bus is leaving in less than a half hour, I'll be there!" he ends the call "That was Sarah, the place director. She's very nervous about the premiere. She's ready to blow a fuse! So I better get going. See you tonight at the Eiffel Tower, girls!" he says. "Bye, can't wait!" I say. "Love you dad!" Mylene says.

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