5. Nice guy

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Reid's pov:

I felt like I was being walked around in circles. Connor had dragged me from person to person making introductions. He was lucky I didn't mind as I fell into conversation after conversation. He had insisted I met all his roommates.

So far I'd succeed on that. I'd met them all except one. It was a little weird putting faces to all the names. Connor had told me endless stories about his roommates and now meeting them for the first time it felt strange. It was like I was meeting strangers but somehow I knew a lot about them. They didn't really feel that much like strangers.

It was a bittersweet feeling. I was excited to get to know this other part of Connor's life. But it hurt to know that it had taken so long to get here. That I'd missed out on years of my best friends life. I was playing catch up and I didn't know exactly how to feel about that.

My eyes landed on Cass deep into conversation with Connor's friend Callum. She had a wide smile on her face and I watched as she leaned toward him. I moved towards her ready to save her from some serious embarrassment but instead my shoulder knocked into someone else.

I turned my head slightly disoriented to see a tall blonde with a frown on his face. It only took a second to realize this was the missing roommate.

Adam, the only one of Connor's friends I had yet to meet. Connor had told me plenty about him and I'd been excited to put a face to the name. I'd seen a few photos but that was so different from seeing him in person.

"Hey you're Adam right?" I smiled at him.

His eyes seemed to narrow in on me. He scanned my face quickly his mouth parting slightly as if he was about to say something. But something seemed to happen because within seconds his lips slammed shut with a quick shake of his head.

He didn't waste a second as he turned and walked away from me. I was beginning to understand why Connor hadn't introduced us yet. This first impression was so different from what I had expected.

All the things Connor had said didn't seem to align. The Adam who was his first friend when he joined the team. The guy who was the whole reason he even ended up living with his roommates. That Adam didn't seem to match up with the one I just ran into.

I cleared my head of all of that. It didn't really matter. If someone didn't want to talk to me I wasn't going to get upset about it. I didn't need to waste anymore time on it so instead I focused back on Cass.

I followed her loud laugh all the way until I was standing at her side.

"You're fucking joking." She said.

I had no clue what they had been talking about but honestly I didn't really care.

"No, I swear it was like some real housewives shit." That sent them both into a fit of laughter.

This didn't really surprise me at all. Cass could make friends with anyone. She just had a way about her that sucked you into her orbit. She was loud and definitely some type of crazy but you just couldn't help but love her at least a little bit.

"If you want to know some real crazy housewives shit you should have Cass tell you how she lost her job." I butted in happy to try to embarrass my friend.

It wasn't that her story was all that embarrassing. I mean assaulting a customer wasn't the best look but I'd say my old coach deserved all the hate that was coming his way.

"The creep totally deserved it and I'd throw that bottle at his head again if I could." She shrugged totally unapologetic.

"You threw a bottle at someone?" Cal asked.

"It was a two liter of orange soda but yeah."

"I think you might be my hero." Callum laughed.

A lot of people felt that way about Cass, myself included.

"You want another drink?" Connor's roommate Dom slid up behind Callum wrapping his arms around his waist.

This wasn't anything surprising to me considering I was very aware of the fact that the two of them were a couple. But according to the shocked look on Cass' face she wasn't as aware of that fact.

"Holy fuck y'all are hot." Cass blurted out.

I didn't know if she intended to say that out loud but when it came to Cass I figured she honestly didn't care. She said what she wanted and most people were left shocked by the fact she didn't seem to have a filter.

"Thanks." Dom smiled not even fazed by the brunette.

"You looking for a third?" She asked.

I was about ready to drag her away but Dom's smile didn't even falter.

"No I like to keep him all for myself." Dom rested his head right on top of Callum's and the ginger seemed to sink right into his boyfriends hold.

"It was worth a try." Cass just shrugged.

"You're ridiculous." I told her and that only made her smile even wider.

"You love me and don't even try to deny it." She leaned into my side and I easily wrapped an arm around her pulling her into me.

"You know I do."

And I did. I hadn't known Cass all that long but from the day Connor introduced us it was like she just fit. She'd slotted herself into my life easily. She'd become one of my closest friends and I didn't know what I'd do without her.

"Reid!" Connor practically ran right into me.

"Connor!" I gave him the same energy back.

"Come with me I want to introduce you to someone." He grabbed my hand pulling me away from the trio I'd been chatting with.

I knew who it would be without Connor even saying the name. I'd met basically everyone here so I was ready to see the blonde as Connor dragged me through the yard. But when Connor stopped the only people there were Jetson, Jake and Evan.

Connor seemed to frown as he scanned the group.

"Where did he go?" Connor asked.

Jake, Connor's old roommate looked apologetic. It didn't completely surprise me that Adam seemed to get out of this introduction again. I wasn't sure what his impression of me was but it obviously wasn't great if he put this much effort into avoiding meeting me.

"He said he'd be right back but I have a feeling it was a lie." Evan, Jake's boyfriend said.

"Don't try to push him." Jetson advised.

"I guess we can try again later." Connor sighed but I could tell he was disappointed.

I had a feeling later wouldn't come. I hated seeing Connor upset and on a day that was supposed to his I was ready to do anything to make it better.

"I already met Adam." I blurted out before I could truly decide if it was a good idea or not.

"Really?" Connor turned to me his frown softening.

That was all the encouragement I needed.

"Yeah I ran into him earlier and talked to him a bit." I nodded not completely lying but not telling the truth.

"Oh that's so great." Connor beamed and I was happy to give this to him.

"Yeah he seems like a nice guy."

It was a lie but I wasn't going to tell Connor the truth especially if it meant ruining this excitement for him.

And as I watched the smile on his face I knew that I was making the right choice. A lie couldn't be bad if it made someone happy, right?


This is to all the people waiting for the boys to finally meet.... You're welcome lol.

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter! I'm having such a fun time writing this. I'll see you all with another update on Friday.

-Cora Leigh

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