19. Very competitive

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I felt my stomach twist again. The nerves wouldn't let up. I didn't know if I'd even be able to keep any food down at the way my stomach was turning. Each thought that popped into my head seemed to make my body feel worse.

Maybe I should have just said no to the date.

That would have made everything better. My stomach would be normal, my chest wouldn't be this tight and my head would just stop pulling me under. The second I felt like I was back on solid ground my brain would start up again and my world would spin and my body would lose it.

It was probably too late to cancel. I peaked at my phone which showed my gps. I would get to the address Reid sent me in ten minutes. So definitely too late to cancel.

I didn't know what I was thinking. I didn't go on dates. It was like my whole thing. I refused to waste my time on dates. It was hard for me to connect with people in that romantic way. It had went bad enough times for me to learn my lesson.

But apparently I hadn't learned. Because here I was going on a date. I knew it was different. I'd felt some type of connection to Reid. I'd felt a pull when I was around him.

That didn't happen very often. Well I'd say right now with Reid was about the first time. I'd thought I'd felt it before. I'd thought I had a connection, that feeling people talked about. But I'd been wrong, the illusion fell away before I could even try to do anything about it.

I knew this thing with Reid was different. I felt it whenever I was with him. I felt it even now, there was nerves but also a buzz of excitement that I knew meant something good.

I wanted to see Reid. I had wanted this date so I couldn't find myself leaning into any regret. This was what I wanted and I owed it to myself to see this through. I wanted, no needed to find out what this was with Reid.

The second I pulled into the parking lot my eyes caught him. He was leaning against the wall next to the entrance. Most of my nerves seemed to melt away at the sight of him. This was going to be good. I didn't need any of that worry right now.

I parked my car and walked over to him. Once I was out of my car I let myself really look at him and the building he was in front of. It was a brewery. It wasn't something I'd expected but it was just chill enough that I knew it was exactly what I'd wanted.

"Hey I hope the ride wasn't too bad." He greeted.

"Wasn't bad at all." I just shook my head.

Reid held his hand out and I didn't waste a second letting my fingers interlock with his.

"This is like my favorite place so no pressure or anything but I think you'll like it." Reid grinned.

I felt any of that lasting anxiety melt away. Being here one on one with Reid was something I had gotten used to. That usual tension was gone and I let myself just enjoy the moment.

"If I hate it I'll just lie." I replied.

"Don't, I like your honesty."

And maybe that was why my stress was gone. Reid hadn't made me feel like I had to be anything but myself. I wasn't worrying about what I was saying. I could just be Adam without trying to soften any of the edges of myself.

"Then the parking lot is too small and I almost blew a tire riding over a pot hole driving in here." I complained.

Reid let out a laugh bumping his shoulder lightly against mine. I was bullshitting but I liked that I could pull out those smiles from him, could make him laugh. I liked being able to see that.

I was helpless as I watched that smile spread across his face. And as he led me towards the door all I could do was follow. At this moment I think I would have followed him anywhere just to be able to get to make him laugh like that again.

"I can't believe you're drinking that." I scrunched my nose up as Reid took a large sip of his beer.

For how much beer I'd drank over the years I couldn't say I knew all that much. I drank whatever was around and usually that was whatever was the cheapest. Coming to the brewery with Reid had shown me lot of options I hadn't even known I had. One of the options being the dark liquid Reid was sipping.

While I was ready to try something new I didn't think I was that adventurous.

"You can't hate it if you aren't willing to give it a try." Reid countered.

I sipped my own beer and well I hated to admit it but Reid was right about this place being good. This was probably one of the best beers I'd ever had.

"I don't think I like stouts." I told him.

I mean I didn't know this for sure but the almost black liquid scared me a little.

"I think you might actually like it if you just tried it."

Reid gave me wide pleading eyes and I didn't have it in me to say no. I reached forward dragging his glass in front of me. I stared at it for a second before picking it up and taking a small sip.

It tasted different. So much different from the other beers I had, the taste rich and the coffee flavor lingering in my mouth.

"That's terrible." I push the drink back to Reid.

Reid smiled widely at my words.

"You're such a liar."

Ok maybe I was lying. It wasn't terrible but I hated to admit that maybe Reid was right. The stout wasn't gross but I still preferred the beer I had ordered.

"Whatever it's not terrible but I still like my beer better." I relented.

There was a second of silence that settled between us and I found that I didn't have that urge to fill it. I was comfortable here with him and that didn't happened a whole lot.

"I'm glad we're doing this." Reid said.

"Yeah me too." And I found I was saying nothing but the truth.

"Want to play a game?" Reid asked gesturing over to a whole stack of board games.

"I'll warn you I'm very competitive." I confessed.

I couldn't help it most of the time. In college none of my roommates had wanted to play anything with Jake and I. Which I had understood, Jake was a control freak over the rules and that usually led to many arguments between us.

I'd tried to just relax and have fun when it came to games but I didn't think I could turn the competitiveness off.

"So am I." Reid said his eyes sparkling with excitement.

I liked to play against someone competitive like I was. It made the game exciting and judging by Reid's face I could tell he liked it too. I got up and went over to grab a game. I chose Yahtzee deciding it was the one least likely to ruin the date and returned to the table.

"You're on." I grinned.

There was no denying it now. As I sat here across from Reid I knew I couldn't deny the fact there was feelings here. I was starting to like him and all I wanted was to keep finding time to spend with him.

Even if it was just sitting here drinking beers and playing a board game. Being here with Reid made it the best first date I could've gone on.


I've honestly been in a super weird mood. My mental health is like all over the place. I'll be honest and say I've been struggling with a lot and last week I had to skip an update because of it. I'm going to apologize in advance because it will probably not be the last update I'll have to skip. I'm working to rebalance myself and work on my mental health the best I can but there isn't a miracle fix and some weeks I'll struggle more than others.

I really want to keep putting these chapters out for you because I love these two characters so much and I'm excited for this story but my brain is actively working against me. I want to thank you all for your patience and I'm really going to try to keep posting every week.

If I do have to miss a week I will post an announcement on my page to let you all know.

Thank you for the continued support!!

-Cora Leigh

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