28. Get out

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Reid POV:

It felt like something had changed. I didn't know if it was the last fight we had but something had shifted in Ronan. I saw him more than I had in weeks. He was always around, he was cooking dinner for the two of us, he was cleaning out the living room when I got home from work. It was like everywhere I turned he was there.

So today when I walked inside to an empty house I was actually surprised. There were signs of Ronan all over the house. There were three boxes stacked on the table in the kitchen. He'd been on a roll of cleaning things out and boxing up things to get rid of. I didn't have the heart to interfere especially when this was the most motivated I'd seen him about anything since his bike.

"Reid!" The yell came from the garage and I felt something twist in my stomach.

Part of me knew exactly what was happening. I knew what to expect but still it was like a blindside as I stepped into the garage to see Ronan leaning against his bike.

"I saw you did more cleaning." I told my brother.

"I also finished this." He turned and twisted his key in the ignition.

I felt like my whole world stopped as the bike purred to life. It's been a project Ronan had thrown himself into for the past year. It was always about his damn bike. I'd tried my best to ignore this garage and the bike that sat inside.

The bike that had almost killed my brother.

This past week I'd tried to let some of my anger go because it felt like Ronan might be actually trying. But right now I felt all that anger return. I wanted to scream. All I could see was him getting back on that bike and I'd lose one more person.

Everyone always left so I didn't know why this felt like such a blindside.

"You fixed it." I didn't have any other words.

"Yeah the final part I needed came in on Monday."

I wanted to ask if he was planning on riding again but I couldn't get myself to voice the question. I didn't know if I'd be able to handle the answer. He still needed a cane to move around because of the last time he got on that thing.

I was pretty sure you only got one miracle per lifetime.

"That's great Ro." I forced the smile on my face.

"You hungry? I was thinking of cooking up some burgers."

"Yeah that sounds great." I just nodded my head.

I didn't even feel like I could move. I was stuck staring at the bike. My world was tilting, the one person that I shouldn't have to lose was slipping right through my fingers.

Just as I was starting to get him back, he was turning his back on me.

I'd be alone all over again.

All I could do was stand there as Ronan limped towards the door to start on dinner. I focused on the way he leaned into his cane allowing it to keep himself up.

I'd almost lost him. I'd watched as he spent months in a wheelchair, as he worked himself to exhaustion getting his strength back and learning to walk again. He had went through hell to stay here with me and Tiffany.

And now he was planning on throwing it away for some stupid fucking bike.

I felt all the anger rushing back. It consumed me. All I could think about was all the times I'd been in this situation.

My mom walking out of us. My dad getting arrested and being ripped away from Ronan to live in some strangers house. Connor throwing insults my way and turning his back on me. Tiffany moving out of the house. Adam breaking things off.

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