18. Swinging your butt around

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Reid's pov:

"Pop your butt out a little more!" Connor yelled.

"I'm doing the best I can." Jet replied.

I didn't exactly know what I was walking in on. Connor had said it was fine if I stopped over. When I rounded into the living room I shouldn't have been surprised at the sight.

"Okay if you don't get it right this time I'm going to lose my mind." Connor restarted the song.

I watched the two of them swing their bodies around as they played just dance together.

"This is really fucking hard, I don't think my body is supposed to move like this." Jetson laughed.

"Keep swinging your butt around like that and something else is going to be really fucking hard."

Jetson shook his butt at my best friend and I watched as they both laughed. It was nice to be able to see them like this together. Connor was so happy with Jet and sometimes I had to swallow down my own jealousy. I wanted something like this. I wanted to have someone that made me happy the way Jet made Connor happy.

"How long has Connor been forcing you through this?" I asked Jetson as I made myself comfortable on the couch.

"He woke up with this brilliant idea that we need to learn to dance and it's been torture ever since."

"Says the guy who goes on hikes for fun." Connor grumbled.

"Don't pretend like you don't enjoy them." Jetson bickered.

"I only have a good time because you're there."

I watched Jetson melt with my best friends words. They were nauseatingly in love sometimes.

"I'd only dance if you were there next to me." Jet grinned leaning over to press a quick kiss against Connor's lips.

"You want to dance?" Connor turned his attention away from his boyfriend and over to me.

As tempting as it was to just forget everything and have some ridiculous fun with my friends I'd actually came over here with a purpose.

"Maybe later, I was hoping to talk to you about something."

"I'm going to grab a water, you want one Connor?" Jetson asked.

Connor shook his head and let himself fall onto the couch next to me.

I knew I had to tell Connor about my brother being the one to beat up our coach. I was wary to talk about anything to do with that time but Ronan had done this for Connor and he deserved to know about it. After the article was released that had Connor's story in it we'd all wondered about how our football coach had gotten beaten up.

The first thought had been Connor's dad but obviously we were wrong. I hadn't even thought that Ronan could have done it. I knew he was definitely capable of beating someone up but he never got violent. His temper remained level almost always only showing that anger on rare occasions.

"Remember when the article got released and someone beat up coach?" I asked.

"Is this going to be a confession?" Connor questioned.

I just shook my head. Both Connor and Cass had asked me later if I had done it. I'd been angry enough over finding out the abuse our coach had put Connor through but unfortunately someone had beat me to the punch.

"It was Ronan, he told me yesterday."

"Huh." My best friend sighed seeming to think the information over.

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