7. Family

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Reid's pov:

The party had started to wrap up. Most people had left but I'd stuck around to help Jetson start to clean things up.

"Go away!" I turned to see Jetson trying to push Connor back inside.

Connor was trying to clean things up but Jetson had been adamant about Connor not lifting a finger. It had been his party so Jetson wasn't going to let him do any of the work. I knew my best friend well and so that's why I knew Jetson wasn't going to win that fight. Connor was too fucking stubborn.

"I'm bored, let me help." Connor argued.

"No." Jetson shook his head.

"Fine." Connor relented and turned to walk inside.

If I hadn't known him basically all my life I would have expected that to be it. But one look at his face I knew it wasn't the end. Instead of walking back inside he took a quick turn and made a beeline to the drinks table. Jetson was too slow and Connor was already grabbing things to clear it off before his boyfriend even reached him.

"You're so infuriating." Jetson sighed but didn't try to stop him.

I watched the two work together with a smile. It made me happy to see them together. Connor deserved to find something like that, to find someone like Jetson. Happiness looked good on my best friend.

I wanted to find something like that. I haven't been great at relationships in the past. I tended to jump into things too fast, trying to hold onto people too tight. I didn't always pick the best people to surround myself with, especially throughout my college years. It was a cycle of people who didn't give a shit about me. That hadn't mattered to me though, I clung hard doing anything I could to keep them from walking away.

I hadn't succeeded and even if it was for the best, I felt a piece of me chip away each time.

When I made things right with Connor and found myself surrounded by good people again I told myself I wouldn't make those mistakes again. I wanted something real, something that made me happy.

I found myself thinking about a certain blond. The short kiss we shared, how his lips had pressed against mine. There had been something about Adam that seemed different.

He felt like a mystery to me. I hadn't quite figured him out but I knew I wanted to. I wanted to learn more. I wanted to keep talking to him until my voice wore out. He had an effect on me and I was planning on exploring that.

"You ready to go home?" Tiffany walked up to me.

I could feel tiredness sweeping over me. It'd been a long day and I was ready to change into a pair of sweats and finally lay down. I hadn't even hesitated to accept Tiffany's offer and say my goodbyes to my friends.

The walk was silent and neither of us broke that until I'd slumped into the passenger seat letting my body relax into the seat.

"That was a nice day, it was good to see Connor and his parents again," Tiffany said.

"Yeah and I finally got to meet all his roommates." I nodded.

"You know it broke my heart when you guys stopped talking. I'm really glad to see you close again." Tiffany smiled over at me.

It'd been a long few years without Connor in my life. He'd been family for so long and then I had to watch it fall apart. Connor had been struggling with his own things that I hadn't known about at the time. He pushed me away and I regretted not putting up a fight back then.

And then things with my brother had gotten bad and I had been pulled into a not great headspace. It was like my life had been spinning out and just as I thought it couldn't get worse Ronan broke up with Tiffany leaving me with nothing left.

"Yeah but Connor's family, always has been. We were always going to find our way back to each other." I knew that to be true.

There was never a doubt in my mind about that. I'd lost him and didn't talk to him for years but there was always a part of me that knew when I imagined my future he'd be in it.

There are people in life that just seem to fit so effortlessly. People that no matter what will always be apart of you. Connor was like that for me. But he wasn't the only one, Tiffany is another piece in my life. Family that can't be tied by blood, the family we choose for ourselves.

Tiffany took a second to think. I could see the way her mind was spinning with thoughts. I knew what was going to come out of her mouth before she even opened it. I knew who she was thinking about.

"Can you tell your brother that Connor's parents were asking about him. They want to have you two over for dinner soon."

My chest hurt at the words. I wanted it to be the three of us but I knew Tiffany didn't invite herself because she knew it would mean Ronan wouldn't show up.

"I'll let him know. You should come with us, family dinners wouldn't be the same without you." I told her wanting more than anything for things to go back to how they were.

I was sick of never being able to see them both in the same room. I was tired of running messages between them. I wanted to know what happened so I could try to do something to fix it all.

"They want to see Ronan." And that was all she needed to say.

I had to bite my tongue so I didn't say just how stupid I thought this whole thing was. I wanted to be angry, I wanted her to be angry but I didn't always get what I wanted.

I didn't say anything to that but luckily I didn't need to because Tiffany filled the silence again.

"How is he doing?" She questioned.

"Good I think, he keeps himself busy. He picked up some extra shifts at work and most of his free time goes to working on his bike. He doesn't talk to me much but he seems fine."

"And he's still going to his therapy appointments?"

She could mean more than one thing. Ronan went to physical therapy but he also has weekly sessions with a therapist that he never talked to me about. He's like a locked safe sometimes and I think the only person who ever had a key was Tiff.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"That's good." I watched as she seemed to relax slightly a small smile on her face.

Even with the smile on her face that joy didn't seem to light up her face the way it used to. And all the good I felt today seemed to be sucked out of me as I let myself get lost in past memories of a life that wasn't mine anymore.


And I'm back!

While I did have a nice time during the holiday I did miss you all. I kept coming back to this story and wanting to give you all an update just so I could get more of the story out to you. I truly do enjoy being able to share my work.

It's why I can't go a full week without anything, if any of you missed it I posted a new bonus chapter for Crossing Lines. I probably won't be updating anything more for that story but there might be more coming for Connor and Jetson. I'm putting my focus on this story for the moment but I'm not quite done with Connor and his Jet Plane.

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

-Cora Leigh

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