29. Broke my promise

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Tiffany's pov:

It took everything in me to not break every traffic law as I jumped into my car and made my way to the place that was once and always would be my home. I'd been in this situation before. I'd walked through that door and seen Ronan at his lowest.

I knew all the signs and right now there was a giant neon sign blinking over that house telling me that Ro needed me. I needed to get there before he did something he couldn't take back. I'd spent most of the years I've known Ronan holding him up, fighting off his demons. I did it happily until he pushed me away and asked me to trust him to fight them for himself.

It was the biggest mistake of my life not fighting to stay by his side. If I made it to the house and he was okay, I wasn't going to make that mistake again. Ro needed someone to support him and he was too much of an idiot to let people in. It'd taken a lot of hard work for him to let me past his walls and it's because of all of that work that I knew the signs.

I knew exactly what it meant when he shoved hard against the people he loved. The last time he did I had found him passed out of the floor of his bedroom after taking a handful of pain meds.

He promised me it wouldn't happen again. He promised he would put the work in to stay.

I didn't know what I was expecting when I walked into that house. I didn't know much but I knew that those promises he made me were broken.

I'd watched him start to spiral, I watched as he stopped going to his therapy sessions and his relationship with Reid crumbled apart. I forced my way back into his life just to try to get him to at least start taking his meds again. He had shut me down every time and now I was kicking myself for not doing more.

I should've moved back in months ago. I should've dragged his ass to his appointments the second I found out he stopped going.

I was going to lose Ronan. I was going to walk into that house and this time he wouldn't still be breathing when I got to him.

I felt that panic race through me and I barely got my car into park before I was lunging out of the drivers seat and racing towards the door.

"Ro?" I called out but the house was eerily quiet.

I made my way inside searching for some sign of him. The living room was empty and each second made my heart sink further into my chest.

I checked the kitchen next and I almost didn't even notice it. I almost missed his form.

Ronan was curled into himself cradling something in his hands. I didn't bother looking to see what it was because I was too busy trying not to throw up at the scene.

The blood trickling down the side of his neck staining his shirt.

"Oh god." My voice wavered and my body collapsed in front of him.

My hand instinctively reached out covering the cut on the side of his neck putting pressure. The second I touched him he flinched back almost like he hadn't even noticed me approaching.

"I'm sorry." His voice was soft and broken as he sat there and cried. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay Ro, it's okay. We just got to get you to the hospital and it will be all okay." I assured him.

"No, no." He tried to shake his head but rested my other hand on the other side of his face keeping him still.

"You need to get this looked at." I didn't want to say that he probably also needed a different kind of help.

It was obvious the meds he had been taken weren't the right fit and I didn't know if I could trust him to start going back to his therapy appointments.

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