9. I dont care

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Reid's pov:

Reid- Cass got a job

Adam- I'm shocked, I thought she'd never make a decision

Reid- apparently she got bored enough to just accept the first offer she got

Adam- god help them

Reid- she's working at the front desk of a hotel so if you ever want to come vacation you know where to go

Adam- more like where to avoid, don't you need people skills to work a front desk?

Reid- yeah

Adam- tell her she needs to work on that

I felt like an idiot as I laughed at my screen. Adam and I had been texting almost nonstop since he sent the first text. I told him about Cass and her job search and he told me stories about Jake. We talked about our days and made stupid jokes that weren't even that funny.

But it felt nice. It felt so different from how it was at Connor's graduation party. I'd seen something in Adam there. I'd seen behind the asshole wall and maybe that was because I'd heard all the things Connor had said about him. I knew there was more to Adam. Now over text I was finally getting that.

It was almost impossible to link the Adam I was talking to now to the one who had purposely ignored me so he wouldn't say something rude to me.

"Adam says you need to work on your people skills." I said out loud.

"Tell him to fuck off and suck my nuts." Cass fired back typing away on her own phone.

"I'm not telling him that."

"His loss, my nuts are very suckable." She just shrugged so unbothered.

It hadn't taken long to not even blink at the stuff that came out of her mouth. I loved that crazy psycho.

Reid- she appreciates the advice

Adam- that doesn't even sound like something she'd say

Reid- you're right but I didn't want to put her words into writing

Adam- I'll use my imagination

I felt something as we texted. It wasn't that I liked Adam, well I did but I didn't really know him that well yet. But as we texted I wanted to learn more. I wanted to see him again just to see if there was something here. I knew in the past I was a go all in right away type of guy. I wasn't one to take things slow. I threw myself in the deep end and I held on for as long as I could.

But every time I did that it never worked out. They left as quick as they could and I didn't know if it was because I jumped in too fast or if there was something with me that wasn't enough to make people want to stay.

I was trying not to make all the same mistakes again. To not ask Adam to come visit or driving down there because I felt like I needed to see him.

I didn't.

We kissed once. We were talking just to get to know each other and see if we wanted to maybe kiss again. There didn't have to be anymore pressure than that.

I could keep it cool.


Reid- good to know you're imagining sucking her nuts

Adam- you have weird taste in friends

I let out a laugh at that. I mean he wasn't wrong. I was just about to type out a response when my front door opened. I glanced up to see Ronan walking in.

"Hey we were about to order Chinese food if you wanted some." I called out.

"I'm good." He shook his head but made his way over. "Here." He threw a few bills into my lap.

I just stared at the money and then glanced up at my brother but he was already walking away. I didn't want his money. It frustrated me to no end, he did all the things he felt like he should. He gave me money and allowed me to live in this house. But I didn't need that from him, I just wanted my brother to put some effort in. He was like a ghost in this house. I couldn't even remember the last time we really spent time together that wasn't silent and a little bit awkward.

It hurt that our relationship had come to that. Anytime I tried he just sat there unable to come up with anything to say. The conversations were always over before they even started.

I was done with this. I was over living in a quiet house and wishing my brother could actually talk to me for once.

"I'll be right back." I told Cass and then stood up following my brother into the garage.

When I opened the door Ronan was sat in a chair his back to me. It was silent in the garage besides some clinking of metals as Ronan messed with parts for his bike. I knew he probably heard me come in but he didn't make a move to acknowledge me at all.

That didn't surprise me in the least.

"I don't want your money." I told him walking over to where he was sitting and throwing the bills down on the table.

"I'm trying to do something nice so just take the money and get some food." He grumbled not even looking up at me.

"I didn't ask you to pay. If you want to do something nice maybe start with asking me how my day was or trying to actually talk to me for once." I let the frustration out.

I was sick of this. I was sick of wishing my brother could actually just act like my brother. I'd missed that these past few years. It was a slow change from the brother I once knew. I had barely noticed it happening until one day I blinked and realized I didn't even know the other person living in this house.

"Just take the damn money and use it on food or don't, I don't fucking care. You can spend it on those cigarettes you think I don't know about for all I care. I don't see how this is a real fucking problem to be mad about."

"It's not about the fucking money! It's about the fact you hide in here or your room all day. It's about the fact I barely even know my brother anymore and there is nothing I can do about it because you don't seem to give a fuck." I argued.

"What do you want me to say Reid?" He sighed finally turning to look at me.

"You know what I want you to just say nothing. If you don't care then fine sit in here and keep not caring. I really don't give a fuck anymore."

I couldn't keep trying to force this. If Ronan wanted to try to fix whatever this was then I'd let him be the one do to that.

"Reid-," He started but I didn't bother to hear the rest.

I was done with this whole thing. I was done with fighting and I was done letting him make me angry all the time. I just had to learn how to not care the same way he did.

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