HODGE CAME HOME in a bad mood. He had learned from his agent that – as he had feared – his currently biggest rival, Jonathan F. Walker, had won the part that he had come this close to getting. Steve kissed him and led him over to his favorite brown leather recliner. Kneeling in front of him, Steve tried to ease his husband's worries with a foot massage.

"It was a terrible play anyway," Steve told him. Shrugging, "It'll probably fold within a week, and then that brat will never be heard of again."

"Even if it folds," Hodge sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "It's the kind of part that gets a person noticed. You'll see, he'll get something right after. Maybe even a part in an E.R. drama."

Abandoning his feet for a moment, Steve positioned himself between Hodge's thighs. Stretching up, Steve kissed his chin, forehead, eyes, tip of his nose, and then his lips. Hoping to cheer his husband up. Just a little, at least.

"I hope he gets an indie horror film with really bad special effects and an unintentionally hilarious villain that everyone rags on him about for years," Steve kissed him again.

For a moment, Hodge sat peacefully, laughing. God, Steve loved him so much it hurt sometimes. Especially when he thought about what it would be like to see their kids giggling with their beta father. Steve could imagine them crawling up onto his lap and resting their little heads on Hodge's strong, broad shoulders.

"So, um," Steve started, not sure how to explain his morning nor the invitation that followed, "You know how I went over to 12A?"

"Yeah," Hodge narrowed his eyes as Steve started massaging his feet again.

"Well, I told Mrs. Sousa that we'd join them for dinner."

"You didn't."

"I did."

"Do we have to go?"

"They're your uncle's friends and they just lost their niece..."

"Jesus, Steve," Hodge sighed, standing from the chair. "Do you know what'll happen if we go over there? They'll want us to come over again. Or worse, they'll start coming 'round here. And then we'll never get rid of them."

"... and if you give a mouse a cookie," Steve good-naturedly mocked.

Hodge wasn't amused.

"I think they're lonely," Steve tried at a different angle.

Sighing, Hodge ran his hand through his blond curls, "Fine. But this is my good deed for the day."

Smiling, Steve stood from the floor and lunged at his husband. Thankfully, Hodge caught him. Wrapping his arms around the beta's neck, Steve buried his face in the crook of his neck, taking in that familiar scent that he adored. Then, he pulled back so he could kiss the man once more on his plush lips.


At a few minutes past six-thirty, Steve and Hodge left their apartment and headed for the Sousas' door. As they waited for the door to open, Steve beamed up at the beta. Even making funny faces to make him laugh. It didn't necessarily work, but it did get a small smile to quirk at the corner of his lips, and Steve felt damn good for that consolation prize.

Then, the door did open, revealing Peggy in a vintage striped jumpsuit with her white hair in pin curls. Red lipstick painted lips, Peggy greeted them, "Come in, come in! Daniel is making giggle juice!"

Hodge gestured for Steve to go first and the older omega instantly wrapped her arm with his, leading him further into the apartment. Briefly, Steve glanced back to make sure that Hodge hadn't ditched him and instantly felt relieved. But he also felt guilty for ever thinking that Hodge would ever do such a thing. Hodge was a good husband. A good man.

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now