AS THE DAYS turned into weeks, Steve started getting nervous. He and Hodge weren't using condoms, he hadn't used suppressants in a good long while now, and still no baby. Steve wanted to scream with how frustrated he was. Hating that when he was young and dumb, he had been relieved – had been glad – whenever a pregnancy scare ended up just being a false alarm.

Why was this so difficult? How did others fall pregnant at the drop of a hat? What were they doing that he wasn't? He had changed his diet almost completely, and was only eating foods that were supposed to help with fertility. He even had Hodge on a special diet too because Steve wasn't going to take any chances.

But it just wasn't happening. His womb was still empty.

And that terrified Steve almost more than it frustrated him.

Congratulations to 12B, welcoming their beautiful daughter Lila into the world.

Letting out a defeated, wounded noise, Steve crumpled up the newsletter and tossed it in the direction of the trashcan. Sure, he was happy for their neighbors, but he wanted that moment for himself. He wanted to welcome an adorable little bundle with Hodge's blond curls and Steve's sky blue eyes. He wanted it so bad that he ground his teeth to the point he tasted blood.

Shoving another handful of pumpkin seeds into his mouth, Steve tried not to think about what could be wrong with his body. It was his fault, right? It couldn't have been Hodge with his perfect health and Grecian physique. It had to be because of something that was wrong with him.

Overwhelmed, Steve's lip started to tremble as tears built in his eyes. Who knew that planning to have a baby would be so difficult? People got pregnant by accident all the time! Steve imagined that the universe was using him as some sick joke.

Needing to get out of the apartment, Steve packed up his things and went for a walk. Hoping to find something that took his mind off of things. Unfortunately – because the universe was an asshole – it seemed like everyone was taking their happy and healthy babies out for a walk before the autumn weather could get too cold.

Taking a seat on a bench, Steve tried to put out all the best energy he could. Wishing that each of those babies had the best lives they could ever ask for. Because they deserved it. Each and every one of them. And maybe, in return, some of that good energy would come back to him.


Turning, he found Mrs. 12B, Laura Barton. Little Connor on a backpack leash and the new baby in a hand-me-down stroller. Probably the same one that her brother had used before her. Laura made her way over to the bench, pressed the brake down so the stroller didn't roll anywhere, and sat down.

Noticing Steve's red-rimmed eyes, Laura's concern broke through, "Is everything alright?"

Looking at the sleeping Lila, tears started filling Steve's eyes again. He wanted a baby so badly. He wanted to feel that life develop and grow inside of him. He wanted to provide nourishment and nurture them. And then he wanted to take them home, healthy and happy. He wanted to encourage their curiosity and teach them about the world, and raise them to be a good person.

Sniffling, Steve blinked the tears away. Instantly apologizing, "Forgive me, I'm just going through a lot."

"Wanna talk about it?" Laura asked, pulling a small pack of tissues out of the diaper bag. Handing them to Steve, "I'm a good listener."

"Thank you," Steve wiped his face and attempted to discreetly blow his nose. And, well, since Laura was there and offering, Steve admitted, "Hodge and I are trying to have a baby."

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now