THERE HAD BEEN something very bad going on for a very long time, he had just been blind to it. Willfully, so but still blind. And he wasn't going to sit around and find out what disastrously plan they had in store for him and his baby. The book had mentioned blood rituals and considering the ritual that proceeded in conceiving little Ezra-or-Amelia, Steve wasn't going to stick around and see what they planned to do with his baby.

He already had a bag packed for his eventual hospital stay once the baby was born, so he hurried over to the linen closet where it was currently residing. Briefly, he wondered if he'd be able to physically carry more than just the one duffle since he never wanted to step another foot in Stank Tower ever again for as long as he lived. Opening the door to the linen closet, he noticed a light.

At first, he assumed that it was a strange reflective glare. However, when he put his hand over the spot of light, he realized that it went dark. Which wouldn't be possible if the light was coming from his hallway. It was coming from the other side of the wall. The other half to the apartment that belonged to his own: 12A.

Heart stopping for a full beat, Steve removed his suitcase as quietly and quickly as possible. Mind reeling because there was a door on the inside of his closet! A door that had been put there purposefully! A door that Peggy, Daniel, and the rest of their demon-loving cult had been using! That was why the floorboards would creak even though he was home alone. That was why he felt as though someone was watching him. That was why he saw the silhouette of someone watching him in the middle of the night.

Never having experienced fear so deep as he was feeling right now, Steve grabbed one of the shelves that were set aside so there would be room for his vacuum and put it up underneath the doorknob. He hoped that that would be enough to stop them. It was a weak barricade, but all he needed was a head start.

Turning, Steve grabbed the duffle and rushed down the hallway. Well, rushed as much as a thirty-seven week pregnant person could when they were waddling more than a damn duck nowadays. Still, Steve rushed.

Unchaining the door and unlocking it, he stopped dead in his tracks when he came face-to-face with a bouquet. Momentarily, he felt those butterflies flutter around inside of him, almost as excited as his wombmate. However, Bucky was friends with Peggy and Daniel. Jesus H. Christ, Steve thought, nearly stunned completely, Bucky was probably born into this cult! He was probably named after the deity!

Steve's harsh breathing caught Bucky's attention and the brunet brought the bouquet down so he could study the omega from the top of them. Brows set in a heavy furrow, "What's wrong?"

Shaking his head, Steve slammed the door in Bucky's face. Who could he trust? Bucky was a part of the cult! If anything, he could've been Peggy and Daniel's kid or something. He could be some psycho murderer. After all, Steve's laundry buddy had died gruesomely from jumping out the window. What if she didn't jump? What if she had been pushed? Then, there was the accident that took the life of the talented actor, Jonathan Walker. If it was even an accident. If any of it was an accident. But what caused his blood to run could was when he thought of the sudden death of Abraham. How he was a healthy man despite being older. How he was in better shape than Steve. Then he was gone. Sure, it happened. But was that what happened?

Did they have something to do with the kind beta that was like a second father to him and his sudden death? Surely not, right? They wouldn't do that, would they? They wouldn't do any of that, right?

"Stevie?" Bucky called from the other side of the front door, knocking softly.

Dropping the duffle on the floor, Steve covered his mouth with his hands just like someone from some horrible horror film where they thought covering their mouths was the best way to muffle their fear. Yet, he couldn't help but do the same in this situation.

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now