"OH, LOOK HOW lovely these are!"  Sarah squealed when she saw the little sage green mittens with radishes, carrots, and peas in and out of their pods

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"OH, LOOK HOW lovely these are!" Sarah squealed when she saw the little sage green mittens with radishes, carrots, and peas in and out of their pods.

"Aren't they," Peggy agreed, fawning over Sarah just as she did with Steve. Steve wondered if Peggy reminded Sarah of her mother as much as she did for Steve.

Reading the card, Steve said, "Thank you, Mr. Sitwell. This is very thoughtful."

The lawyer nodded, but remained in the corner of the room where no one was paying attention to him while he ate a piece of the carrot cake. If Steve's wombmate wasn't the guest of honor, Steve probably would've done the same. He hated being the center of attention, but he occasionally made exceptions. Especially when those exceptions involved his loved ones and their happiness.

Setting the gift bag with the garden themed mittens – along with their matching hats – and the baby nail kit off to the side, Joe crossed the room to him. The alpha handed him another, "Last, but not least." A basket with different bath and post-bath products as well as towels and washcloths. Joe grinned, "This is from mom and me."

"Thank you," he smiled, kissing the older man on his cheek. Teasing, "They're going to be the cleanest baby around."

As though objecting, Natasha's son let out a shrill cry. She stood so she could sway him and joked, "Sorry, he can't help but be the center of attention. It's honestly so rude of him."

"It's alright," Steve chuckled, marking over his thirty-three week bump. "I'm sure bud will be the same."

"Bud? Is that their name?" Angie Martinelli asked.

"You're having a boy?" Natasha asked, glancing over at her work partner as though he had been keeping a secret and she didn't appreciate it.

"Oh, how exciting!" Thor's voice boomed above the chatter filling the room, causing his husband to cover his face in embarrassment.

Laura offered, "I have tons of hand-me-downs that I can –"

Steve shook his head as he corrected, "It's just a term of endearment since their birth is when I'll –" he glanced at Bucky and amended "– we'll find out."

The room quieted at that. Not to complete silence, just to a more manageable volume as smaller conversations started up around the room again. Steve was thankful for that though. He was even more thankful when Bucky rubbed his sore, tense shoulders and kissed his temple.

"C'mon, Niko," Natasha sighed, still trying to soothe the seven month old. Looking over at the sofa where Steve was sandwiched between his mom and his boyfriend, she asked, "Wanna get some practice in?"

Steve looked over at Bucky before deciding that he might as well. With the assistance of both Sarah and Bucky, Steve stood from the couch. Meeting Natasha halfway, she passed the crying baby to him. He had hoped that he'd have the magic touch where as soon as the little guy was in his arms, he'd stop crying. Instead, Niko cried harder. No matter how much Steve swayed him, nothing helped. And it definitely didn't help when Heath-or-Zoey started moving around in the womb as though they didn't like the interruption to their nap.

Looking over at Natasha, Steve said, "I think that's enough practice for today."

"Don't take it too hard," Laura assured.

"You're alright," Joe comforted with a hand on his shoulder, the same way he used to when he coached Steve's T-Ball team. Steve could almost hear the, 'walk it off,' or, 'you'll get 'em next time, kiddo.' And while Steve let out a heavy sigh as he eased himself back onto the couch, it was comforting.

Holding the wiggling, crying baby to her chest, she asked Bucky, "What about you? You're gonna need practice too."

Worrying his lower lip, Bucky glanced over at Steve. Nodding his encouragement, Steve all but pushed the brunet off the couch. Stiffly – and clearly uncomfortable – Bucky took Nikolai in his arms. At first, he was tense, as though the baby would attack if he moved. But then, the baby eased, scenting the alpha. Bucky seemed shocked by the action, and turned his head just enough so he could look at Steve.

"It's nothing personal, darling," Peggy soothed, "Babies are funny like that."

Directing his full attention to his bump, Steve spoke to his baby, "I better be your favorite."

"If it means anything," Bucky swayed the baby, soothing him, "You're my favorite."

Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything. If he had to be completely honest, it did mean something to him. Out of all of Bucky's friends, partners, and admirers, Steve was his favorite? That meant everything.

"Sorry, I'm late."

The conversations paused and Steve looked over at the entryway to the living room where Greta was standing with a gift bag. With a lot of effort, Steve pushed himself off the couch so he could greet her properly. It had been more than long enough since he had seen her last. For a moment, Steve felt guilty for not visiting with the mourning woman more in the aftermath of Abraham's death.

Hugging her as close as he could despite the bump between them, Steve said, "I'm glad you came."

"I'm glad I came too," Greta sniffled. Pulling from the embrace but not completely, she fondly looked at the pregnant omega, "Abe would've loved to see you like this."

Not able to hold back his tears, he nodded and said, "I wish he could've."

She wiped his tears and then wiped her own. "I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay long. I just wanted to give you this."

Accepting the pastel yellow bag, Steve rested it on his protruding stomach so he could peek inside. His actions halted though when she said, "It was something that Abraham wanted you to have."

"Thank you," Steve hiccupped. "Really, Greta, thank you."

"You're very welcome, sweetheart."

Embracing the older beta again, Steve closed his eyes and scented her. Longing to have her and Abe's scents mingling and lingering together. That was how they should've always been, and now it just left Steve heartbroken.

"I'm really happy for you." Greta rubbed his back, "You deserve this, Steven. You truly do. And I can't wait to see how amazing of a father you're going to be."

"Y'wanna join us on the couch?" Steve offered, gesturing to Sarah and Peggy.

Fidgeting, Greta looked over at the two women who waved her over with kind smiles on their faces. Steve could see that she wasn't so sure, and he got it. He really did. Greta wasn't used to going to gatherings by herself. Steve knew as much from the years that the Erskines had been in his life. But now she didn't have the luxury of having her husband beside her.

So, Steve gave her an out, "I won't be upset if you just want to go home and relax a little."

"Thank you," Greta let out a breath of relief. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely," Steve assured. Suggesting, instead, "We can have lunch sometime, alright."

Nodding, Greta leaned forward and kissed his cheek. Bidding her farewell, Steve walked her to the door. He loved Greta and he knew that she loved him too. Greta not wanting to be around a lot of people didn't mean that she didn't, nor did it mean that Steve was going to stop loving her for not wanting to stay. Kissing each other's cheeks, Steve closed the door behind her.

By himself in the hallway, Steve opened the bag and looked at the soft books and a stuffed rabbit who came as a reading buddy. Steve's eyes grew wet again as he thought about the late author. Always wanting kids to be creative and curious, that was Abraham. Perhaps he wanted everyone like that since not all of the gifts were for his wombmate. No, there was an old, distressed book that claimed, Mysteries, Magic, and Mayhem: The Truth of Stark Tower.

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now