THE FOLLOWING EVENING Steve went into heat. He had gotten off his suppressants in early May. He told Hodge it was because of his migraines, but that was only half of the reason why. Mainly, he was fearful of the rumors that being on a certain suppressant for so long would make an omega infertile. And that was the last thing that Steve wanted.

"Let's make a baby," Steve insisted, as Hodge crawled over him.

"A baby," Hodge scoffed. Pressing a kiss to Steve's scent gland, he reminded, "We've talked about this."

"But –"

"Steve, let's not do this now."

Fortunately, Steve's heat only lasted three days. He begged and pleaded, despite himself. But it felt as though his biological clock was ticking and ticking and ticking and was about to get too far ahead of him. It wasn't that he liked being the stereotypical needy, whiny omega, but he was at a point where the fear of never being a father was starting to create a pit in his stomach and a blackhole in his soul.

Hodge didn't want to hear anything more about babies. Not right now. Not when he was still trying to make a name for himself. Not before he could support them properly.

Whatever that meant...

Nevertheless, the morning after his heat, Steve opened all the windows and aired the apartment out. He had a day of deep cleaning ahead of himself. Much like every first day after his heat.

Once the bedding was gathered and the scent neutralizer automated plug-in spritzed, Steve took a quick shower. He knew that he'd need one later after working up a sweat from setting the apartment back to right, but he also knew that he'd rather drop dead than let the stale heat scent cling to his skin for another second.

Just a quick shower, Steve started feeling more like himself. Then, he carried the full hamper out of 12E. And since he was on his way to the laundry room, he decided to see if the Sousas needed help with theirs. After all, Steve's schedule hadn't been so skewed by his heat to not know that it was time for another trip to the basement, and since Sharon had been the one to help her elderly aunt and uncle, Steve decided to pick up where she had unfortunately left off.

Waiting for the older neighbors to answer the door, Steve attempted to stifle a yawn. Already thinking about taking a nap once the chores were all finished. Well, until at least half the list was completed. Half was reasonable, Steve decided. After how grueling this heat had been, half was more than reasonable enough.

"Oh, Steve," Peggy opened the door further when she saw it was him. "Hello, dear. How are you feeling? Hodge mentioned it was your –" she lowered her voice "– season."

Hodge had told them? Why? It wasn't their business. And when did he even talk to them?

"I'm fine." Blushing, he resituated the hamper in his arms, "I was just about to do some laundry and thought I'd see if you needed any done as well."

"That's so very kind of you," Peggy smiled, sweetly. "But mine's already been taken care of. Thank you, but no thank you."

"That's alright. Just let me know if you ever need something. If I can't do it, I'll get Hodge to."

Peggy laughed at that, soft and twinkling like bells.

Departing from 12A, Steve headed for the elevator, yawning as he waited for the lift to arrive at his floor. Idly wondering if Bucky had returned to – where was he from? Neverland? He had to chuckle at himself for that.

"Ope," Laura started, accidentally bumping into Steve as she exited the elevator. "Sorry about that. Steve? Hi! How've you been?"

"Okay," he smiled at the brunette. "And you?"

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now