AS THE HOLIDAYS passed, Steve found himself in the soon-to-be nursery. For now, it was still the craft room. And Steve was glad for that as he channeled his ever-present pain into his art. Sculpting twisted, spiky molds of disfigured body parts. Sketching dark silhouettes and open-mouthed figures that could do nothing but suffer in agony for the end of time.

Dr. Pierce said that the pain would go away, and Steve desperately wanted to believe that. And, hey, maybe it would. Steve just needed to be patient.

While Steve worked in his once-loose fitted paint stained sweats and one of Hodge's old worn out t-shirts, the intercom buzzed. Setting down his paintbrush, Steve wiped his hands on the sweats as he made his way to the door. Seeing Abraham Erskine on the screen of the intercom, Steve immediately granted access to the older beta.

As the man entered the building and rode in the elevator to the twelfth floor, Steve looked around to make sure that the apartment was tidy. Admittedly, he had been lacking when it came to keeping the place spotless, but it wasn't exactly dirty, so he figured it was fine. It wasn't like the man would judge him.

With a knock on the door, Steve reached for the knob, but stopped. The pain sharpened, locking him for a moment with shut eyes and clenched teeth. Then, it sank back to its usual level and he breathed out gratefully.

Erskine, when he saw him, stared and said, "My God."

"I was working," Steve explained, ducking his head sheepishly.

"What's wrong with you? And I don't mean the paint."

"Do I look that bad?" Steve took his coat and hung it up in the closet off to the side.

"You look terrible," Erskine said. "You've lost only god knows how many pounds and you have circles around your eyes that a panda would envy. You aren't on one of those 'Zen diets' are you? Or worse?"

"No," Steve assured, leading the man further into the apartment.

"Then what is it? Have you seen a doctor?"

Briefly pressing his lips together, Steve beamed, "I'm pregnant. Entering my thirteenth week."

"Steven, that's ridiculous. Pregnant people gain weight, they don't lose it. And they look healthy, not –"

"It's just stiff joints or something so I have pain that's keeping me awake at night, and the morning sickness is really harsh right now," Steve clarified, sitting down in the living room. He assured the older man, "It's not serious, though. It'll stop any day now."

Abraham quirked a brow, studying him, "I've never heard of 'stiff joints' being a problem."

"You've never been pregnant," Steve good-humoredly scoffed.

Abraham sat down in Hodge's chair. "Well, congratulations then." Doubtfully, he added, "You must be very happy."

"I am," Steve touched his abdomen and smiled, "We both are."

"Who's your obstetrician?"

"Alexander Pierce. He's one of the best –"

"I know who he is. Or of him. He delivered Marlene's babies." Marlene being the older Erskine child.

"He's one of the best in the city," Steve reiterated.

"When did you see him last?"

"The day before yesterday," Steve readily answered. He always kept track of when he saw Dr. Pierce. "And he said what I told you. It's common to have some discomfort; and it'll probably stop any day now."

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now