JUST REMEMBER WHO you're doing this for, Steve reminded himself, pinching his nose as he gulped down his evening cup of fertility tea. His last night of evening tea. Just as he was instructed to do. Steve tossed back the eight ounces down and rubbed his flat abdomen. Tonight would be the last night for a lot of things. Just one of those being the last night before a wombmate joined him.

Or so he hoped.

Arms wrapped around his trim waist from behind and Steve tried to ease into Hodge's strong, sturdy frame. Tonight was the night. Nothing would ever be the same. Steve couldn't help but shudder and shiver in his excitement.

"Getting cold feet?"

Briefly, the negative thoughts rushed head first at Steve. All of them telling him that this was insane and that he should just try the same route that other couples did. How can you even be sure that this is gonna work?

Placing the teacup in the sink, Steve shook his head. Making an exaggerated popping sound when he assured, "Nope. No cold feet here."

"Good," Hodge smiled, pressing his lips to Steve's neck.

Feeling the preheat run through him, Steve leaned his head back, resting on Hodge's broad shoulder. The beta began pressing more open-mouthed kisses down Steve's neck. It had been a long month as they followed Peggy's instructions to abstain. God, did Steve want his husband. But he wanted this to work even more, and he'd be damned if he even so much as thought about straying from what was advised. Not this close to his end goal.

"Gil," Steve warned, pulling out of his husband's grasp.

Hodge sighed, but didn't try to pull Steve back into himself. Instead, he ran his hand through his messy blond curls, "Can't blame a guy for wanting a little love before his partner's knocked up."

"And they say romance is dead."

Leaning against the counter, his eyes trailed down Steve's petite frame. Asking, "You sure this is what you want to do? Because w–" Hodge coughed, correcting, "I need you to be sure."

Crossing his arms along his slender chest, "You're not trying to talk me out of this, are you? Because it's not going to work."

"Even if it turns out to be a weird sex thing?"

"Please," Steve good-humoredly scoffed, "If it was a weird sex thing, why would she need a jar of jizz?"

Barking out a laugh, "What the hell does that prove?"

"Why have just the come when you can have it all?"

For a moment, Steve just stared at Hodge blankly with a straight face. However, his giddiness got the better of him and he erupted into a fit of giggles. He simply couldn't help himself. He had been drinking that retched, bitter tea for almost a month as he counted down to his heat. Or his season as Peggy referred to it as.

The more that Steve laughed, the shorter the distance between Hodge's eyebrows became. Furrowing deep as he watched his husband grow closer to hysterics. It was definitely the tea. The rank, blue-ish black tea that left him tired, nauseous, and dizzy.

Glancing at the clock hung above the kitchen doorway, Hodge decided, "We should head over."

Fifteen minutes 'til midnight. Those butterflies started fluttering in his stomach again and Steve felt as though he could fly away with them. Each step felt like a hop on a cloud. The only thing that was tethering him was Hodge's hand on his arm, guiding him towards 12A.

Once there, Hodge lifted his hand to knock, but he didn't need to. The door opened and Peggy greeted them, "Darlings, welcome."

Peggy, usually one for bold colors and patterns, was now in a shapeless floor-length black robe. After closing the door, she locked it and then held out items of clothing to the pair. An identical black robe to the one that she was wearing, she handed to Hodge. A red one, she handed to Steve.

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now