The ceiling.

And pain between his legs.

And Hodge. Sitting beside the bed, watching him with an anxious, uncertain smile.

"Hi," Hodge said.

"Hi," Steve said back.

The pain was terrible.

And then he remembered. It was over. It was over. The baby was born.

"Are they alright?"

"Yeah, she's fine."

"She?" A small smile tugged at the corners of Steve's lips, "We had a girl?"

Hodge nodded.

Not seeing his baby – his daughter – in the primary bedroom with him, Steve attempted to sit up. Fully planning on leaving the bed to search for her. Pain be damned, he didn't want her out of his sight. Not for a single second. He needed to make sure that she was safe and that those weirdos weren't prepping her for some blood letting or blood consumption or blood something.

"Where is she?"

"She's safe," Hodge answered.

It wasn't what Steve had asked. So, he repeated, "Where is she?"


Frustrated and still scared for his daughter's safety, Steve pushed the heavy comforter off himself and climbed out of bed. Instantly, Hodge came over to him. Steve didn't want the man anywhere near him. He didn't even want to see that selfish, talentless oaf anywhere, let alone in his home.

"Get back in bed," Hodge ordered.

"Get out of my way," Steve shoved him, but the beta was as solid as a brick wall and Steve was still as weak as a kitten.

"Get back in bed."

"No!" Steve shoved again. Of course, the muscular beta just grabbed him by his biceps and held him at arm's length. Not that that stopped Steve from fighting his soon-to-be ex-husband. He was the last person that he wanted to be around on a good day, so he really just wanted the beta to get the fuck out of his bedroom and out of his lif–

"Let him go."

Hearing a raspy, sultry voice, both men turned towards the doorway. Natasha was standing there with her arms crossed along her chest, ready for a fight. Ready to help Steve. For a moment, Steve was relieved to have someone on his side. But then he remembered that Natasha was one of them. She was from Bucky's law firm. She was one of Bucky's biggest confidants. How could Steve ever fully trust her?

"Where is she?" Steve demanded, using the furniture to help him stand upright as he made his way towards the door.

Natasha met him halfway, "She's sleeping."

"I want to see her. Now."

"Okay," Natasha easily allowed. Taking his arm, she steadied him and led him through the conjoined bathroom and into the nursery. He tried to jerk out of her grasp, but couldn't; Natasha was stronger than she looked.

The nursery had soft sunlight coming in through the sheer curtains, making everything seem like a dream. If his body wasn't so sore, he probably would've assumed that it was a dream. Of course, Steve never would've dreamed that two strangers would be looking after his daughter. No matter how vaguely familiar they looked, Steve would've never had strangers looking after her.

"Leave," Natasha ordered, leading Steve over to the bassinet. The two women did as told and Steve felt weak in the knees. There, he set his eyes on his daughter for the first time. Her eyes were closed, she had a cute button nose just like Sarah, and her little tongue kept poking out between her pillowy lips.

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now