HEART RACING, breath shallow, Steve looked around the room, searching for his husband. He needed him now more than ever. Even with drying blood on his too hot, flushed skin, he needed to feel that strong frame on his own. Even with the chanting group circled around him, he was desperate to be taken.

"Hodge?" Steve pleaded, looking for his husband among the anonymous members.

Finally, the man stepped away from the circle and approached him on the soiled and stained tarp. Without hesitation, he lifted Steve into his arms, keeping the petite omega close to his muscular frame. Instantly, Steve pressed his nose against his husband's neck, inhaling against the scent gland, but all he could smell was the unnaturalness of a scent blocker, a hint of plums, and terrigen root. He found himself not caring though. He just needed his husband. Needed to be bred.

Still lightheaded from his tea and, now, doubly so thanks to his heat, Steve clung tightly to Hodge as he was lifted in a bridal style. His blood rushed through his veins and quickly filled his cock. To let the beta know just how bad he wanted him, Steve turned further into him and – despite the awkward position – attempted to rub himself on those impressive washboard abs.

In reply, the man growled, causing another plume of Steve's scent to fill the air while slick wetted his ruined boxer briefs. Not that Steve could care. All he wanted was to be in their room already and to have his husband's hard cock buried deep inside of him.

Stamping open-mouthed kisses up Hodge's neck, Steve took his earlobe between his teeth and pinched it before soothing it by sucking it into his mouth. Insisting, "I need you."

Letting out a shaky breath, Hodge squeezed Steve closer to himself before placing him on their bed. Steve wasn't sure how the beta had traveled the halls so fast and entered their apartment without even shifting him for his keys or opening the doors, but Steve decided that he didn't care. He was in full blown heat now, small details like that were things easily dismissed.

So, instead of questioning things, Steve shrugged the red robe from his body and slid the wet and sticky underwear down his slender legs. Tossing both items onto the floor, Steve flopped onto his back, staring lustfully up at his husband as he let the black robe fall from his body. God, he's perfect.

Slowly, Steve let his legs fall open wantonly, showing his dripping hole to the beta. Hodge gripped himself seeing what was waiting for him and let out a shaky breath. Almost as though this was their first time together. It reminded Steve of the early part of their relationship when everything was fresh, new, and exciting.

"Ya gonna have me make a baby by myself, or what?" Steve asked impatiently, embracing his designation's stereotypical neediness.

At that, that thin thread of resistance broke in Hodge and he crawled over Steve's body. Instantly, Steve brought his legs up and linked his ankles together behind Hodge's firm back while the beta settled above him. Seeking out what he really wanted, Steve lifted his pelvis, trying to entice his husband to slip inside of him, but Hodge just shook his head and used a hand to hold Steve where he wanted him.

Whining, Steve struggled against the hand holding him to the bed, but was quick to obey the silent order. It wasn't unusual, per se. The mask, though, was. Momentarily forgetting about how his hole clenched around nothing, Steve reached up to remove the full-face bunny mask.

Quickly, Hodge grabbed Steve's wrist and shook his head. Steve's brows arched high on his forehead, hiding behind his sweaty, matted bangs. Giggling, Steve asked, "We really gonna do this?"

Silently, Hodge shrugged those desirable broad shoulders. Almost as though Steve couldn't hold himself back, he leaned up and mouthed along that gorgeous, sun-kissed skin. Even nipping at his collarbones, earning a groan from the larger man.

Love Grows: Love Series 1 (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)Where stories live. Discover now