Chapter 12

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Dan P.O.V.

"Do we have to go back to school tomorrow?" I ask Phil. It's Sunday night and I'm laying in bed talking to Phil over Skype. After the concert yesterday, we ended up eating microwavable dinners at Phil's house, since all the restaurants we went to were booked. I spent the night and we fell asleep cuddling on the sofa with an Attack On Titan playing across the TV screen. We were awaken this morning by Phil's parents coming home from their "date", that oddly enough lasted all night. Phil and I decided to let them have the house to themselves and came back to mine, stopping at Starbucks on the way. We watched a few movies, cuddled, and of course had a few makeout sessions, before he was summoned back home for dinner.

"Yes, you already missed 3 days last week." Phil responds to my question with an answer I'm not surprised by. "Also, I wanted to ask you something."

I begin to bite my lip. I think I know what he's about to ask. "What's up?"

"Do you want to," He pauses, takes a deep breath, and thinks about how he wants to word the question before continuing. "keep us a secret or..." He trails off at the end instead of finishing the question.

"Phil, I love you too much to hide it anymore." I have been thinking about this a lot and I shouldn't have to hide how I feel because someone doesn't like it. "If they don't like it well, screw 'em. If I have you I don't need anyone else."

"You're too sweet, Dan. You're gonna make me cry." He says wiping at his eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie. I let him wear it on the way to my house because he was cold and he never took it off.

"You're too cute." I say making his face light up like a Christmas tree. "Sorry for the sudden topic change but, what time is it?"

"Hold on!" Phil says abandoning his laptop to check the clock in the kitchen. He swiftly returns and settles back into his spot. "It is almost 11:30" He reports.

"Man, it's late. If I'm supposed to go to school tomorrow, I don't want to be tired and grumpy. We should really get some sleep." I say. A pout spreads across Phil's face.

"You're right. I feel like tomorrow is gonna be very eventful." His pout turns into a frown.

"Hey, everything's gonna be okay. Now, get some sleep so we can face the adventures ahead." I say trying to brighten up the mood.

"I'll try."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." We hang up the call which I see lasted four hours. I could talk to Phil forever and never get bored. I crawl into my bed and underneath the covers. I lay on my back staring up at the ceiling, letting all the events of the past few days sink in. It sure has been a lively week and I'm positive the occurrences aren't over yet. I don't want to go to go to sleep with negative thoughts so, I push them to the back of my mind and they're replaced with my lovely boyfriend. I fall into a peaceful sleep with thoughts of holding Phil in my arms.


I stand three blocks away from the school waiting for Phil. I've been standing here for the past 20 minutes. I left extra early because I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be late and I also took an alternative route so I wouldn't run into the Harris twins. Soon enough, I see a figure in the distance walking towards me. As it gets closer I identify it as the boy I've been waiting for. I throw my arm in the air and wave it back and forth and he does the same.

"Good morning!" I greet him when he's close enough to hear me.

"Morning." He returns my greeting with a kiss. I put an arm around his waist as we make our way down the road to the school. "So, do you have some kind of plan?"

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