Chapter 3

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Phil P.O.V.

I can feel someone's eyes glued to me. I try to ignore it and focus on the video Marcus Butler is showing on his phone. Everyone, but me, laughs at the two llamas wearing hats that play on the screen. A shiver goes down my spine while the hairs on my neck stand erect in their place. I give in to my curiosity and paranoia, turning to see who is causing this sensation. I come face to face with a grinning Dan.

"Good morning!" He says. His voice is peppy but, there's something else too. No one else catches it, as they shower him with greetings. As he continues talking, I realize it's sadness behind his tone and a fake smile on his face.

"Can I talk to you in private?" I ask Dan.

"Yeah, sure." The smile on his face is replaced with a look of confusion and worry but only for a second. I grab his arm and bring him to a secluded spot behind the school.

"What's wrong?" I question when we're out of the earshot of everyone.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm perfectly fine." Dan replies in a convincing tone but I'm not falling for it.

"I have known you for what, nine years? I can tell when you're lying. I know that you're not okay, it doesn't matter how many times you promise you are. I'm not going to stop until you tell me what's going on."

He loses the facade and breaks down. I pull him into a hug to show that I care. Tears pour from his red, puffy eyes, down his splotchy face, and onto my shoulder.

"They left again! My parents left me again! They're gone for a whole week. This is the third time in the past month, Phil! They don't even care about me! They hate me so much they don't want to be around me!" He chokes out in between sobs of sorrow and anger.

"That's not true, Dan. Your parents love you. They're just really busy." I say while tracing shapes into his back with my finger. This always helps him calm down. He opens his mouth to talk again but, I shush him and pull him tighter into my chest.

I continue rubbing his back and whispering comforting words into his ear. After a few minutes, his body stops shaking and his crying comes to an end. He wipes the water left in his eyes away and his breathing becomes normal again.

"Do you want to stay at my house until they come back?" I offer Dan when he regains his composure.

"You'd do that for me?"

"You're my best friend, I'd do anything for you."

"Thank you." He says and we make our way back into the school just in time for the first bell.

I exchange goodbyes with Dan before running to my locker. I grab my stuff for the school day and rush to first period.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The time creeps on slowly as I make my way from class to class. I don't pay much attention to what the teachers are saying. None of my friends are in any of my classes before lunch, so I don't have anyone to socialize with. Even if I did I wouldn't be able to keep up a conversation with them. My mind is too preoccupied with thoughts of the brown haired beauty, named Dan.

When it's finally time for lunch, I quickly go through the line and take my seat at our normal table. I'm soon joined by Alfie, Marcus, Connor, and some other guys. In a few short minutes, everyone is at the table except for the one person I wanted to be. I'm not too worried though, it's in Dan's personality to be late for everything.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. I look up to see Connor Franta open his mouth to speak.

"I have an announcement to make." He says with a nervous smile on his face. I can see the fear and uncertainty in his eyes. I get a weird sensation in my stomach. Oh no, I don't have a good feeling about this.


This chapter is just a filler and I know it's is not that good. But, if you couldn't guess from the cliff hanger, big event are getting ready to take place. Ohhhh!

Anyway I want to again thank everyone who is reading this. It means the world to me and I hope you stick around until the end!

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