Chapter 7

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Phil P.O.V.

Dan is a complete, utter butthole! I can't believe he would blame me for what happened with Connor. It's not my fault. I cry into my pillow.

I came back home after Dan stormed off. The Shade is supposed to be my calm, peaceful getaway spot, but now it's ruined. I have put up with all he's put me through. I've helped him with his problems even when I have my own but he just doesn't care.

I hear a knock on my door followed by the voice of my cousin, Joe Sugg.

"Phil, are you okay in there?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I try to say in a convincing tone but, my voice cracks at the end, giving me away.

"You don't sound like it. You've been in there crying for the past hour."

I open my mouth to answer but a wave of tears washes over me.

"Phil, let me in. You can tell me what's up. Trust me, I won't tell anybody if you don't want me to."

I get off my bed and stumble to the door. I open it up to a worried looking Joe. I drag myself back to my bed and take a seat. He locks the door and does the same. We just sit there and look at each other until I can't hold back the wails anymore.

Joe swifty wraps his arms around me, providing me with a shoulder to cry on.

"I hate Dan! He's such a jerk. I only ever help him and he treats me like crap. It's not my fault! I almost had a panic attack and he doesn't even care." I babble.

"Phil, calm down. I can't understand anything you're saying." I'm not surprised because I can't even understand what I just said. I take a deep breathe and start again.

"Dan is a jerk and I don't ever want to talk to him again."

"Why? What did he do?"

With that I explain everything that happened. Not just today but that he's ever done. Every time that Dan has hurt me. I tell him all the memories I've pushed away and tried to forget. I tell him everything.

"I'm so sorry, Phil. You're better than me though. I would have left a long time ago."

"I love Dan but I'm just done. I don't want to put up with his mess anymore."

"I think that's the right thing to do. Just avoid him for now. You both need a break from each other to calm down."

"Thank you, Joe." I've calmed down a lot and can speak in my normal tone. "I really appreciate you listening and just being here for me."

"Anytime, Phil. That's what cousins are for!" He says beeming. I find myself grinning from his contagious smile. "Now, let's go."

"Go where?" I ask. My confused face must be hilarious because Joe burst out laughing.

"We are going to the living room. You will find a funny movie for us to watch. I will go to the kitchen and make some popcorn then join you on the couch." My half-smile turned into a grin from ear to ear.

"Okay, let's go!" I exclaim grabbing Joe's hand and jumping off my bed.

We spend the rest of the night watching movies, eating popcorn, and laughing.

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