Chapter 10

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Dan P.O.V.

~3 Days Later, February 14~

I love Joe so much!

I haven't been to school all week since the Connor incident on Tuesday. Everyday I get up, get ready, and walk around until I find a Starbucks, then I spend the rest of the day there, observing everyone. I haven't had contact with any of my friends these past few days. Actually, I haven't had a conversation with anyone, except Joe. He is probably one of my favorite people in the world right now.

What did he do to get so popular with me? Well, he convinced Phil to still go to the Sleeping With Sirens concert with me today. I have spent all morning getting ready. I haven't talked to Phil in what seems like forever so I'm not sure if he's still mad. I just have to hope for the best. I check the time, it's 8:56am. I'm ahead of schedule. That's new.

"Okay, do I have everything?" I say out loud to myself. "Flowers? Check. Chocolate? Check. Card? Check. Tickets? Check. I think that's everything." I carefully set everything into a large backpack. I don't want to bombard Phil with everything all at once. I want to confess at the right time. I want everything to be perfect, like Phil is. I really shouldn't get my hopes up but, it's my chance to make everything right again.

I finish packing everything away at the same moment my alarm signaling me to leave goes off. I grab the bag and my keys and start off to the station only stopping to lock the door. When I arrive it's 9:47. We were supposed to meet 17 minutes ago.

"What if he thinks I stood him up?" I think out loud, while scanning swarm of people buzzing around. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, when I spot his familiar face. He repeatedly looks down at his phone then up at the crowd. He's looking for me. I push my way through the masses to get to my handsome friend.

"Hey." I say when I finally reach his side.

"Hi." He says in a tone I can't place and looks back at his phone. He's texting someone. I get an urge to peek over his shoulder to see who it is but, quickly reject the idea. My bottom lip makes its way between my teeth and I start to chew on my lip. "You're late." Phil continues after what seemed like an eternity of silence.

"Yeah, I left on time but I don't know what happened. That always seems to happen. Especially when it's something important." I babble on trying desperately to fill the quite. "I guess I just can't be on time. But, I got here before 10 and we won't mi-"

"Dan!" Phil interrupts me. "You're rambling."

"Sorry, I tend to do that when I'm nervous. I don't know why I told you that because you already know. I mean you've known me fo-"

"Dan!" I flash him a look that tells him I'm sorry. "You don't need to be nervous around me. I'm your best friend, remember?"

A blush crosses my face and I nod in response, for fear that if I try to talk my words will turn to mush again. A small grin passes over Phil's lips causing me to smile too.

"I haven't seen you at school all week. Where have you been?" Phil asks to start back up the conversation.

"Mostly Starbucks." Phil snerks at my response. "What? Don't get mad because I didn't bring you any." I say jokingly.

"I'm hurt." He theatrically annonces as he places his hand on his forehead and flicks his head back.

"Why are you being so extravagant?" I laugh at his performance.

"I guess you could say," he pauses for effect. "I have a flair for the dramatic." We both lose it and crack up. Phil is the first to recover when he notices our tube loading people on.

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