Chapter 11

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Phil P.O.V.

Dan kissed me. No, correction, Dan IS kissing me. I'm kissing Dan. He pulls me closer and the kiss intensifies. I throw my arms over his shoulder and around his neck. All I can think about is the boy with his lips pressed to mine and the song playing in the background. As soon as the latter ends so does the kiss.

When we pull away I feel my face flush. I try to speak but I can't form words. Dan seems to take note of this and speaks first.

"I like you, Phil. Not just as a friend. I like, like you. I have for a while now. I just felt like now was the right time to tell you." He starts to bite the corner of his lip. "I don't even know if you like me back. I don't even know if you're homophobic after the whole Connor incident. I don't think you are. I mean you did hold my hand and kiss me back." He starts to ramble. "I really want you to like me but I understand if you don't. I won't be mad at you. You probably don't like me though. I don't even know why I did this in the first place. I'm sor-"

I cut him off by pushing our lips back together. Again my mind is filled only with thoughts of Dan. This time I pull away first.

"Dan, I don't think I like you," A expression of shock, hurt, sadness, and fear, and confusion crosses his face. I continue "I think I love you."

He looks shocked for a moment but it soon turns to a huge grin. Without warning, he pulls me back into a hug. "I think I love you too." He whispers into my ear. A strange sensation goes down my spine as I feel his warm breath on my ear and neck.

The next song starts playing and Dan takes my hand in his and waves both in the air. I sing along but I'm too distracted by the feeling in my stomach to focus on what song it is.

"There is no way this day can get any better!" I shout over the music and noise of the crowd to Dan. A smirk appears on his face. "What?" I ask wanting to know what he had up his sleeve. He sits down on the blanket and motions for me to do the same.

"I got you another present." Out of his backpack he presents a box of chocolates and a card. I take both into either hand.

"Dan, I'm sorry. I didn't even get you anything and you got me so much."

"Phil, you gave me the best present I could ask for." He puts an arm around my waist. "You gave me so much happiness. I don't need anything else." He's so sweet. I can't help but place a peck on his lips. "Actually Phil, there is something else that you can do to make me happier."

"What is it?"

"You can agree to be my boyfriend." I sit there for a few seconds with my mouth open, taking everything in. I didn't think I could be happier than I was before but, there's no limit with Dan. "So, will you?"

"Of course I will! I'd be crazy if I didn't." We lock lips again and it becomes my favorite activity to do with Dan. We stand back up just in time to catch the band's farewell greeting and departure from the stage. "We missed the end of the set." I say, a pout finding its way to my face.

"It's okay, they'll have more concerts. Now, help me pack this stuff up." Dan starts collecting the blanket and our bags. I take a seat on the grass.

"Nah, I think I'm just gonna take a nap." I say laying back into the grass. I try to fake a snore but it just comes out as snickers.

"Haha, very funny." Dan replys in a sarcastic, dry tone. He finishes stuffing the blanket into my bag and joins me on the grass. I turn so that we're facing each other and I'm granted another smooch.

A small smirk crosses his lips and the look in his eyes tells me he has an idea. Dan puts both his legs on either side of my body, straddling me. He begins to bounce up and down over me, the same thing I had done to him just days earlier. I continue the reenactment by pushing him off of me and onto the ground. I jump to my feet as Dan stays seated with his arm outstretched, waiting for help up.

I give Dan my hands and he pulls himself to standing form. Upon standing I take notice that he only let go of one of my hands and the other is still locked together. Most of the crowd has already dispersed so, Dan and I easily maneuver our way to the other side of the fence.

"So, where to next?" I ask Dan excited to see what else he has planned.

"Well... I was thinking... that... we could... get on the tube... back to London... and... maybe... go out... to eat." He says slowly like he hasn't planned this far ahead.

"Okay, let's go. Adventure!" I say throwing an arm in the air and pointing to the sky. Dan looks like he's going to say something but just starts to laugh instead.

"I'm so glad I have you." He says as he wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my lips again.

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