Chapter 14

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Dan P.O.V.

I pull into a parking spot in front of the venue for the Formal. I don't even have a chance to tell everyone to get out because they start unloading as soon as the car stops. After Phil and I's make out session was interrupted, we went pick up Zoe and her girlfriend, Louise. The drive was an hour and a half of Phil and Zoe arguing over the radio station, Louise having to use the bathroom every five minutes, and me getting yelled at for wanting to stop for gas.

Despite all of the commotion it was actually really fun to spend time with my friends and make a new one. Zoe and Louise lock arms and start towards the dance hall while I get Phil his crutches. When he gets out I reach into the glove box and retrieve our two tickets to get into the building.

"You ready?" I ask Phil, giving him one of my arms. He hands me the crutch and uses my arm for support and we walk into the hall arm-in-arm after I give the tickets to the woman at the booth.

"Wow!" Phil says under his breath as we enter the building.

"It's pretty amazing, isn't it?" It's huge inside the hall and it looks like a scene from Cinderella. Especially the giant, glass chandelier that hangs from the ceiling over the dance floor.

"Yeah." Phil shakes his head to shake him out of the trance of how pretty it is in here. "I'm hungry." It's just like Phil to have food be the first thing on his mind.

"They have a snack table downstairs." I inform Phil and his face lights up with happiness.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Phil pulls me ahead and we slowly make our way down the stairs. When we get to the bottom, he continues to gravitate towards the food. I ate before leaving so, I let Phil fill up his plate and eat, which doesn't take him long. "Would you like to dance with me?" He asks while wiping crumbs from his face with a napkin.

"It would be an honor." I say and lead him to the dance floor. We dance and dance and dance until I can't feel my feet anymore and Phil is winded. The clock chimes every hour and it's gone off 4 times since we arrived. I find us two seats at a table and we take a break from dancing. It's not long before Zoe and Louise find us.

"It's almost midnight!" Zoe informs us. "They're gonna announce the kings and queens." As if on cue the DJ makes an announcement to confirm what she Zoe just said.

"Okay, everyone we are gonna announce the formal queens first. You know how it is, ladies first." The DJ says. "We chose the royalty by the short essay you or your date filled out. So, without further ado, the queens of this years formal are," He opens up an envelope containing the names before continuing. "Hope Decher and Penny Harrison for their essay on the beauty in everything!"

A cheer erupts from the crowd as the couple makes their way to the center of the dance floor to accept their tiaras. After the cheering subsides the DJ speaks again. "Next, we have the formal kings." He opens up a second envelope. "For their essay on risking it all for love, Dan Howell and Phil Lester!" I look at Phil and he looks back at me.

I stand up and help him out his seat and to the center stage. His smile is one of the biggest I've ever seen as we accept our crown. "Now, we're gonna slow thing down."

"May I have this dance?" I bow and hold out my hand for Phil.

"Of course." He places his hand in mine and I kiss it. I pull his body close to mine as the start of the song comes on. "Dan," Phil says as he realizes what song is being played. "This is our song!"

"I know." He wraps his arms around my neck and I hold him by the waist. We sway back and forth to James Dean and Audrey Hepburn. Phil rests his head against my shoulder and in that moment everyone else disappears. It's just Phil and I clinging on to each other and a peacefulness comes over me. "Phil," He looks at me. "I love you."

"I love you too." He says. Our lips meet and it's the greatest feeling anyone could imagine. The kiss holds all the emotions that we share for each other. Happiness, comfort, lust, and most of all love.

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