Chapter 13

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Phil P.O.V.

I wake up to a blinding white light. I think back to the last thing I can remember. I was walking down the hallway to my classroom when someone stopped me. No it wasn't just someone it was Shane and he had a group of guys with him. I recognized most of them. There was Joey, Alfie, Casper, and Marcus but, there was also another guy I don't know. I tried to get away by just ignoring them but, was pulled to the ground. I remember is the pain of getting kicked and punched over and over again. Then the mystery man pulled a bat out one of the lockers and slammed it against my leg until the pain was unbearable and I blacked out. As I closed my eyes I slightly recall the sound of the boys running away and someone screaming as they found me.

My eyes finally adjust to the brightness and I realize I'm in a hospital room. I try to sit up in the bed but, barely manage to move before I let out a scream of pain. This gets the attention of the other people in the room, who rush to my bedside. Standing over me is Dan, Joe, Zoe, and a women I assume is my nurse. He name tag reads Copeland.

"Don't move, Phil. You have a lot of injuries and trying to move is only going to cause you pain." Copeland informs me.

"Sorry." I test my voice. It's hoarse and dry but, very much functional. "Can I get some water?" I ask.

"Sure, honey. I'll be right back." She leaves the room. It's just me and my visitors. Dan looks down at me and before I can say anything he breaks down into tears. I want to throw my arms around him in a giant hug but, I know better than to try to sit up again.

"I thought I lost you." He says through his hysteria. "I thought you were gone." He falls to his knees beside the bed and sobs into the sheets.

"I'm not, Dan. I'm right here." I say as tears start to run down my cheeks too. Copeland comes back into the room and she and Joe help Dan off the floor and into a chair. Zoe and Joe take their places around Dan and calm him down. She sets my bed at an angle where I can drink my water and not choke. While I'm quenching my thirst two men enter the room. One looks to be a doctor and the other a police officer.

"Hello Phil, I'm Doctor Perry and this is Officer Fuentes. He's going to ask you a few questions about what happened. Is that okay?" He talks to me slowly as if I'm a child. I nod in response and the cop takes over.

"Hi, I'm Mike. We just need to figure out how you ended up in this state so, if you don't mind can you share everything you remember." I tell him what I can recall and after I'm finished he thanks me and leaves. Doctor Perry comes back over and does a few tests on me before prescribing me pain medicine and informing me I will be released in three days. After he leaves Joe, Zoe, and Dan take turns coming to my bed and talking to me. I learn that it is Tuesday and that I was passed out for 26 hours.

The next three days follow the same format. I wake up and eat breakfast, then a doctor comes in and does more test. I take some medicine and Dan visits me before school. After he leaves an officer comes in to ask me more questions until it's time for lunch and more medicine. When he leaves I take a nap and am awoken by Joe, Zoe, and Dan visiting. They stay as late as they can and I eat dinner and fall asleep when they leave.

On Friday, I receive my crutches, a bottle of pain medicine, and a release form. Joe comes and picks me up in his car at around 5. On the way to my house something that has been bothering me for the past few days comes to mind.

"Hey, why didn't my parents ever come to visit me?" I ask Joe. His expression turns somber and he shakes his head. "What is it?"

"Well," He takes a deep breath and starts. "They actually did come, it was while you were passed out."

"Why didn't they come when I was conscious?" He shrugs but, the look on his face tells me he knows but doesn't want to tell me. "Joe!"

"Okay, okay." He gives in. "When they came Dan, Zoe, and I were in the waiting room. No one was allowed in the room because you had just arrived there. So, they joined us in waiting. We were all taking it pretty badly but, Dan was the worst. Your mom went to comfort Dan and he ended up sobbing and talking. He told her that he thought he knew who had done it to you and why. She asked him who and why. He told her about Shane and his threat along with the fact that you guys are going out. That's the part they didn't take too well. At first they thought he was joking but, after Zoe and I confirmed it, they left and didn't come back. I went to your house later that night and they said to tell you that you aren't allowed back into their house. " I don't know what to say to everything Joe just told me so, I stay silent. "Phil, are you okay?" Joe asks, worried by my lack of response.

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