Chapter 8

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Dan P.O.V.

I wake up to a pounding in my head and a horrible pain shooting from my hip. It feels like a hangover but 100x worse. I open my eyes and the blinding light of the sun penetrates my pupils. I roll over and groan as the pain intensifies.

"What time is it?" I ask out loud to test my voice. It sound groggy and strained, just like how I feel. I grab my phone off the bedside table. It displays 11:48 a.m. on Wednesday, February 11. "I'm late for school."

I rest my head back into the pillow and shut my eyes. I'm not going to school today. The pain is too much and I just can't face Phil like this. A single tear comes from my eyes at the thought of Phil. Soon images of us play across my mind. I weep at the good and bad times we shared.

"No!" I shout at myself with a firm tone. "You are not going to sit around crying all day. Now, get up and do something with yourself!" I sit up in my bed and everything starts to spin. Grabbing my head, I stand making every muscle in my body scream in pain. My trek down the hall takes me to the bathroom and look at my reflection in the mirror.

I look like crap. Two bloodshot, puffy eyes stare my body up and down. Some one could mistake under my eyes for Guchi with the bags there. My hair is sticking up in some places and flat to my head in others. I'm rocking the "what is Chapstick and lotion?" look with ashy lips and skin. A sigh is released from my mouth.

I start to undress to get in the shower. I pull my shirt over my head. I didn't eat anything yesterday so, I'm not surprised when I turn to the side and see a flat stomach. After a few seconds of doing upper body checks, I take off my jeans and boxer-briefs. The bandages on my side were not put on well and are already starting to come off. I remove them exposing the reminders of yesterday's events. I wince at the sight of about 30 cuts on my side. Some are deep and others just scratches but, none look bad enough for stitches.

I run my hands through my hair and sigh again, before jumping in the shower. As I'm washing myself, a hum escapes my lips. That hum becomes a song and soon evolves into a full-fledged performance of Game Over by Falling In Reverse. In the midst of my one-man show I hear my phone vibrating on the sink. Using better judgment I turn down my first thought of answering it in the shower and decided to call whoever it was later.

I get a jumpstart to get out the shower when the water starts to get cold. I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist. I finish up in the bathroom my brushing my teeth and hair. On the way back to my room, I start talking to myself again.

"What am I gonna do today?" I ask. "I could go to the movies or the mall. Maybe I should just take a walk around town?" I get into my room and get dressed. I grab a jacket and make my way to the front door, skipping breakfast.

"Phil never returned my hoodie." I say to myself. "No, I'm not gonna think about Phil or any of that drama. This is my day off and I'm gonna enjoy it!" With that I step out my house into the streets of London.

I still don't know what to do so, I choose a direction and start walking. After all it's about the journey not the destination, right? My feet fall into a pattern and move on their own, leaving my mind to wander. I let myself think about whatever it comes up with, only interrupting when my thoughts go to yesterday or Phil.

I don't know how long I've been walking when I'm snapped out of thought by someone who wasn't watching where they were going. I look down at them with what I assume must be a pretty scary face, because they mumble several sorrys and scurry away before I can say anything. I'm left standing in the middle of the pavement with my mouth agape.

"Sorry." I mutter even though I know they are too far away to hear. I continue walking but can't get lost in thought again so, I turn my attention to my surroundings. In the distance I can make out what I know to be a Starbucks. As if on cue my stomach starts rumbling.

"I guess I'm going to Starbucks then." I go up to the building and take a deep breath before pushing open the door and entering. I go up to the counter and tell my order to the barista. After receiving my drink, I pick a table in the corner furthest away from everyone, and take a seat. I spend the rest of the day in that same spot only getting up to go to the toilet or get more food.

A comfort comes over me as I relax into the seat and watch the people and cars outside. A sigh of relief passes over my lips. For the first time in a long time I'm at peace without Phil's help. I mentally give myself a pat on the back and take another sip of my drink.


Sorry this is really short and mostly just a filler. Good news is that I have up to Chapter 15 finished!!! Everyone celebrate for me not procrastinating for once!(jk, I pretty much wrote the majority of the next few chapters in 2 days for school.) So, I'm thinking 2-3 updates per day for the next few days. Also there might be a few changes to the beginning of the story because I changed the time flow a bit. But other than that, HUGE THANK YOU TO ANYONE ACTUALLY READING THIS <3.

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