Chapter 1

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Phil P.O.V.

"So, do you want to go?"

I stare up at my best friend, Dan Howell. He's sitting on the other end of my bed with papers sprawled out around him. In his hand are two tickets to a Sleeping With Sirens concert. While waiting for my response he starts to bite the corner of his lip. It's a nervous habit that he hates, but I think it's cute.

"Phil are you listening?" Dan asks as he takes hold of my shoulders and shakes me until the room starts to spin.

"I heard you! I'm listening!" I laugh as I remove myself from his strong grip.

"Then answer my question."

"Yes, I'll go with you. I love Paris and it's not like I have a girlfriend to do anything with on Valentine's Day." I say trailing off towards the end of the sentence.

"Really? Thank you, you're the best!" Dan exclaims as he pulls me into a bear hug.

"I know." I say into his chest before pulling away from the hug. "But, we really need to get back to work on the project."

"Nah," Dan replies as he stretches out onto my bed and closes his beautiful, big, brown eyes. "I think I'm just gonna take a nap." A sigh escapes my lips. This was not the first nor the least time I would end up doing most of the work on a group project. I didn't mind though, I loved being around Dan and projects gave me a great reason to hang out with him.

I start working on the essay part of the assignment but, every few moments I'd steal glances at Dan. He is absolutely gorgeous. His long, flippy bang fell into his mouth so it blows up and down with each breath he takes. I couldn't help but admire how his dark brown, messy hair outlines his face, exhibiting his adorable dimple, as he smiles in his sleep.

My eyes soon wander from his face down to his body. The plain black t-shirt he's wearing fits him tightly, showing off his slightly toned abdomen and strong arms. On his stomach lies his phone which begins to buzz. The time, 8:30 p.m., flashes across the screen, as the alarm he had set goes off. It's been an hour already?

I scoot closer to Dan's sleeping figure and put my hand on his milky white arm, shaking him awake.

"It's time for you to go home." I tell Dan when he finally opens his sleepy eyes.

"UMM!" He groans, swatting away my hand and rolling onto his other side.

A small smirk crosses my lips as I get an idea. I put both my legs on either side of Dan and begin bouncing up and down on the bed. Soon enough he is wide awake with me straddling him.

"Get off of me, you lanky giant!" Dan says through a pout, his face turning the color of a tomato. He pushes me off of him onto the floor.

"If I'm a giant, then what are you?" I reply to his snappy comment rubbing my side where it hit the ground.

Dan extends both his arms into the air and a yawn leaves his mouth. He then proceeds to stretch his legs before putting both feet out the bed. Placing his feet flat on the floor and stands up presenting his full 6'3 frame.

"Whatever," he responds "I'm leaving." Dan starts making his way to the door with me trailing close behind him. When we arrive in the foyer, I open my mouth to speak but am cut off, as he suddenly wraps his arms around me. He lays his head on top of mine and we stay like this for a few seconds. I miss his embrace immediately after he releases my 6'2 body. "Goodnight" he says and turns to the door.

"Goodnight." I repeat back to him almost chocking on the words. I watch my best friend and crush as he walks out my front door.

I secure the locks and make my way to the kitchen, careful not to wake my mom in the process. After making myself a microwave dinner and eating it, I head back to my room. I do a quick scan of my quarters. The walls, which were once white, are covered in blue, green, and purple paint splatters. Dan and I were supposed to paint my room but just ended up having a paint fight. My bed takes up most of the room but, can be folded into the wall to make more space. I look over my bed and on it is Dan's hoodie. "He must have forgotten it," I say out loud to myself "I'll have to bring it to him tomorrow."

I lay down on my bed where Dan had been just minutes before. I pick up my phone off the bedside table and turn on Pandora. My body starts to relax as I snuggle into Dan's hoodie. I realize it smells like a mixture of detergent and his cologne. Soon, my eyelids get heavy and eventually close. I fall asleep to the sound of Vic Fuentes' angelic voice singing Kissing In Cars.

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