Chapter 4

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Dan P.O.V.

For the second time in the last 4 hours, I walk up to my friends and they're in a semicircle. The only difference from this morning is that no one is laughing. I skip the lunch line and rush over to the table to see what's going on.

"I have been thinking about this for a long time now and I think it's time I told you guys." Connor Franta says as I take my seat at the table. "Everyone," He lets out a deep breath before continuing. "I'm gay!" He says with a sheepish smile his eyes coated with hopefulness and worry. Everyone's eyes go wide. Of all people I didn't expect Connor to like guys. I mean, he is very flamboyant but, I just thought it was in his personality.

"Are you serious?" Shane Dawson asks with his mouth agape and a disgusted look on his face.

"That's gross!" Joey Graceffa adds to the already building drama.

Connor's smile brakes and fades as others begin to nod in agreement and put in their own nasty comments. I look over at Phil to see him shaking, out of fear or worry I don't know, but not saying a word. I scan the faces of all the people that are supposed to be Connor's friend that have now turned on him. No one is doing anything to stop them.

The whole situation escalates as Caspar Lee stand up and gets the attention of the whole cafeteria. He grabs Connor's arm, standing him up so everyone can see.

"Listen up everybody! We have our own little faggot, right here in this very school!" He announces, pushing Connor, who is now hysterical, forward. Everyone's eyes are on him. Some are laughing, while other just sit in shock. Connor makes a run for the door with the speed of a cheetah. He exits the lunch hall and is most likely on him way out the school doors. I'm the only one at the table who knows about his "coping method". I hope he doesn't turn to it now or worse. The thought sends a shiver down my spine.

Caspar sits back down and everyone is about to start taking again, but I interrupt them.

"What the heck is wrong with all of you?!" I say outraged at the whole scene that just played out in front of me.

"What? Do you like dudes too?" Shane asks while shoveling macaroni into his mouth.

"No," I lie through my teeth. "But it was wrong what you did to Connor. You're his friend, You're supposed to be supportive, not embarrass him in front of the whole school!"

"If you care so much, maybe you should evaluate your sexuality, because you might like di-" Joey starts but is cut off by the bell ringing signaling the end of lunch.

No one waits for him to finish. At least I don't because I storm out the cafeteria. I walk to my next class, English, with my hands in fists. I avoid speaking to anyone in fear that I might punch something or someone. When I walk into English, I'm welcomed by my favorite teacher, Mr. Kjellberg. His last name is hard to pronounce so, he goes by Felix, his first name.

"How's it going, Dan?" His tone and Swedish accent is too happy for how I feel right now.

"I don't know, fine I guess, if you don't count what just happened at lunch!" I say in a sarcastic tone with my volume rising towards the end of the sentence.

"Oh, you mean what happened with Connor? I heard about that!"

Wow, news spreads fast at this school. I mean it's not too big but, large enough that not everyone, especially teachers, should know about events that took place five minutes ago.

"Do you want to talk about it? I have time after class." He offers me.

"No, I rather not talk about it. Talking always makes me madder. I just need to punch something."

"That's fine as long as you don't break anything or hit a person. But, you really should find a better way to express your anger. In the future hitting a pillow might turn into hitting your partner. Talking might be good for you." I caught that he said partner and not girlfriend but decided to ignore it.

"I'll be okay, but thanks anyway." I say before taking my seat and laying my head down until class starts.

I put in my headphones. I couldn't care less if we were supposed to listen to music right now, it helps me calm down. I click on the Pandora app and Scene 2 - Roger Rabbit by Sleeping With Sirens comes on. Great, even Pandora knows what happened.

"What else could go wrong today?" I mumble to myself as I close my eyes and drift into a light sleep.


Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've been busy over the holidays and just plain procrastinating. But good news is I have about 2 more chapters written. After I proof read them they'll be up.

Thank you to anyone who is actually reading this!

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