Chapter 9

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Phil P.O.V.

As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm worried. I haven't seen Dan at all today. He was really distressed yesterday, even before everything that happened. I know he used to be suicidal and I'm scared those tendencies might have taken over last night.

"Do you think I should call Dan?" I turn and ask Joe. I decided to spend as little time as possible with my "friends" today. So, that means I'm trailing Joe.

"No, you're supposed to be avoiding him remember?" He replies with annoyed look. This is not even close to the first time I've brung up Dan today. "Yesterday you were saying that you're mad at him and don't want to talk to him ever again but, now you can't shut up about him. Please just make up your mind."

"Sorry, I'm just worried. He's my best friend or at least was I just can't forget him that fast. Maybe I should just call and apologize."

"Apologize for what? He's the one who needs to apologize. You can't just go running back to him after he's hurt you like that. He'll start to think he can do whatever he wants to you and you'll just come back to him." Joe stops and takes a deep breath to collect himself. "If you're really worried that much, I'll call him to make sure he's not dead."

"Thank you." I mumble under my breath. I understand what they mean when people say the truth hurts but, I know he's right. I continue to follow Joe down the hall until we get to my class. We exchange a small goodbye and I head into my writing class. There's not much going on in class lately so just like yesterday I tune out the teacher, Mr. Pine. We're supposed to be writing a dramatic story but it's not due for three weeks so I'll start it later. I don't care if that's procrastinating, I do my best work last minute.

I spend the class period just thinking and daydreaming. Soon, the bell rings signaling it's time for lunch. This is the part of the day I've been dreading the most. I put my stuff into my bag as slow as I can and end up being the last person to leave the classroom. Outside the door, I'm greeted by a waiting Joe.

"Hey." Joe say as we walk down the hall, breaking the silence.

"Hey." I say averting my eyes to the floor. We walk a few more seconds in the awkward silence. "Joe, I don't want to sit next to them at lunch. I can't sit with them. I can't deal with them right now. I don't know wha-"

"Calm down, Phil!" Joe interrupts and I take a long, deep breath. "You're gonna get a panic attack. You don't have to sit with them."

"I can't just ignore them like that. How is it gonna look if I go sit with someone else, especially after what happened yesterday."

"Then we just won't eat here." I look at him surprised.

"You know we have to stay on campus." I say in a lowered tone incase anyone is listening in on our conversation.

"Come on, you got to live a little. Where do you want to go?"

"Well, I have really been craving Panera Bread." I say contemplating whether or not to go through with Joe's idea.

"Okay, let's go!" My thinking time is over as Joe grabs my arm and drags me out the school and to his car. I am tense the whole time he starts the car and pulls out of the school lot. Joe clicks on the radio and The Patron Saint Of Liars And Fakes by Fall Out Boy blares through the speakers. After we're a good distance away from the school I start to relax and start to enjoy the drive, even singing and dancing along to the music. We spend the next 45 minutes laughing, eating, and just having fun.

Joe and I get back into the school just in time for the lunch bell to go off. Again, we say our goodbyes and go our separate ways. I walk down the familiar hallway to Mr. Chapman's class and take my seat. I normally have math with Connor but he's not here either. Honestly I don't think he'll be back at all. It's sad what happened but, in a sick, twisted way I'm kind of happy it did. I love Connor but, that situation let's me know that Dan isn't homophobic like the rest of our "friends". It feels so wrong to even refer to those people as my friends or even know them.

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