Chapter 5

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Phil P.O.V

I sit down in a seat all the way in the back of the classroom. A sigh escapes my lips and I let my thoughts take over. I hope Con-Con's okay. I mentally facepalm myself. Why didn't I say anything? Why didn't I try to stop them? I'm so selfish Connor was living a nightmare and all I could do was have a panic attack. Dan stood up for him, why didn't I back him up? I'm a horrible friend. I sink lower into the chair and put my head into my arms on the desk.

After Dan ran out the cafeteria I threw away my tray and tried to catch up with him. I saw him in the hall and called his name. Either he didn't hear me or didn't care because he went right into his next class. I was about to follow him but was stopped by the assistant principal, Ms. Burr, and sent to Mr. Chapman's Algebra class.

"Good afternoon. Everyone please take your seats so we can start class." Mr. Chapman addresses the class. I drown him out. If I haven't been paying attention all day why start now? I pull out my phone and find Dan's number in my contacts.

To: Dan
Hey, are you busy after school?

I get a response almost immediately. It's just like Dan to be on his phone during class. Well, I'm on mine too so I can't really be talking.

To: Phil
No, what's up?

To: Dan
Meet me in the shade when school ends.

To: Phil

To: Dan
It's a secret. Just come.

To: Phil

I was in the process of typing a witty response about K and potassium, when Mr. Chapman called my name.

"Phil, what's the answer to number seven?"

I look up at the board seeing the questions for the first time. I instantly work out the answer to the problem in my head. Thank God, I'm good at mental math.

"x equals 17" I answer.

"That's correct, good job! I didn't think you were paying attention."

I give him a weak laugh. The kind where the teacher makes a joke that's not funny but, you laugh anyway.

"Well, that's all I had planned for today so, you can do what you please for the rest of class."

A cheer erupts from the students as people change seats to sit next to their friends. I focus back on my phone and see a new text.

To: Phil
I got to go. But I'll see you later, bye!

Well so much for texting Dan. I don't feel like talking to anyone else so I put in my headphones and turned on Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon. I lay my head down and wait for the bell to ring signaling the end of school. I get lost in thought again but this time I'm thinking about Dan. He's most definitely not something I haven't thought about before. I'm glad he isn't ignoring me. I thought he was from the incident in the hallway.

Every muscle in my body tenses up as someone pulls out one of my headphones. They must have a death wish. I can tolerate a lot of things but taking my earbuds out is crossing the line. I turn to see who will be receiving my rath. In front of me stands Zoey Sugg with a smug look on her face.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask her in a hostile tone. "Don't you know that it is an unspoken rule that you don't yank people's earbuds out their ears? I have them in for a reas-"

"Are you done yet?" I'm cut off by her sassy comeback.

I don't want to deal with her right now so I put my earbud back in. She pulls it right back out. I'm getting really annoyed and frustrated now.

"What do you want?" I ask in the calmest voice I can muster up.

"I wanted to see if you were okay. I heard about what happened with Connor and you're gay as well right? I was going to tell you that even if your friends don't accept you I do and along with a lot of other people."

I look at her dumbfounded.

"I'm not gay!" I exclaim earning the attention of the majority of the class.

"Really? Oh my gosh. I am so sorry, I thought that you and Dan, you know?" She explains with an inappropriate hand gesture.

"What? No, we're just friends! Nothing more!" But I want us to be, I think to myself but, don't say it out loud because that would only make her point more valid.

I'm saved, from the awkward situation, by the bell. I make my escape and am the first person out of the classroom. I go to my locker getting everything I need to take home. After stuffing my bookbag, I rush to the back door and to the park down the road.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When I get there, I go to the hangout spot, we call The Shade. It's an opening in the woods that Dan and I discovered while playing in the woods by the park when we were 10. Pulling back the drape of weeds and vines that have grown over the entrance, I go into the small, secluded spot. No one but Dan and I know about it so for me it's really special. Inside, I take a deep breath of relief and sit on a gigantic boulder.

I take a look around at the breath-taking scenery. In the center of the opening is a small pond that is always buzzing with animals. All around the pond are rocks big enough for someone to sunbathe on, which Dan and I have done several times. I look up at the canopy of leaves that drown out most of the suns light and walk to the edge of the woods. I run my hands across the low hanging branches of the towering trees. Next, I move to the pond and look at the small fish that inhabit it before going over to the small flower garden that grew in the open field.

I get lost in admiring the foliage and don't realize Dan is there until he runs up behind me and attacks me with a hug. I scream in spite of myself. He takes my terror as a cue to continue. He lifts me off the ground and spins me around. When he sets me free, I'm so dizzy that I fall to the ground. All that comes from our place is the sound of both of us laughing and gasping for air.

Dan soon regains his composure while I continue giggling on the ground. He walks towards the woods.

"What are yo-" I don't finish my question because he starts to dance with half his body in the woods and the other half out. My giggles turn back into the kind of laughter that makes your stomach hurt.

"Have you ever really danced on the edge? Is something still scaring you?" He sings.

"Yes, you. You're scaring me." I say the best I can through my chuckles. I guess my laughter is contagious because Dan is on the ground next to me cackling. We move onto two of the rocks around the pond making the deer and other wildlife scatter. After our laughter secedes from the air, we fall into a comfortable silence. I end up dozing off from the calm surrounding our secret sanctuary.

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