Chapter 2

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I'm in Phil's bed with my arms wrapped around his small waist. I had come back after leaving his house to get my hoodie. Instead of leaving again he asked me to stay and sleep with him. Who was I to turn him down?

Phil turns so that he's facing towards me. I look down at my handsome, pale best friend. He's looking back up at me. I can feel my face go hot and turn my head before he can see. His eyes are beautiful. They are brighter than any star I had ever seen and bluer than the ocean. On several occasions I've found myself getting lost in them.

"Good morning, Dan." I'm startled out of my thoughts by his lovely voice. He always sounds so innocent through his Northern England accent.

"Good morning." I reply. Instead of continuing the conversation he buries his head back into my chest and closes his eyes.

I take this time to continue appreciating his beauty. His raven black hair is all over his head, as if he had been fighting instead of sleeping. I laugh at the thought making him stir.

"What's so funny?" He asks with an intrigued look pasted on his face.

"I was just thinking about how cute you are." I tell him truthfully. His face flushes bright pink

"You think I'm cute?"

"Of course I do, you're the cutest guy I've ever seen!"

"Well, I think you're cute too." He pushes himself closer to me closing the small gap that was between us. He tilts his head up and looks at my lips, while licking his own. I can feel myself starting to chew on my bottom lip.

"I love it when you do that." Phil says. His face was just centimeters from mine now and he is getting closer. I part my lips and he does the same.


I awake with a start, sitting up in my bed. The alarm clock on my nightstand continues to go off. I hit the big red button to make it stop and lay back down with a sigh. It was just a dream.

After a few minutes of taking in the amazing story that took place in my sleep, I get up to get ready for school. I drag my feet across the floor, down the hall, and into the bathroom. My fingers run through my hair as my reflection stares back at me in the mirror. With another sigh, I go through my usual morning routine of showering, brushing my teeth, and straightening my hair.

I finish in the bathroom and walk back down the hall to my room. I look around my room. The walls are covered in posters of everything from bands to video games. My bed is against the back wall. Half of it is covered with a black bedspread and the other with clothes. I start picking through them looking for something to wear since pajamas aren't allowed in school.

After what seems like a lifetime of digging, I emerge from my chambers. I have on my red Wildcats baseball t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and dark blue converse. I continue into the kitchen to have my usual breakfast of Frosted Flakes. As I'm getting the cereal out, a piece of paper on the counter catches my attention. I set the cereal down in exchange for the paper which I realize was a letter from my parents.

Dear Dan,
Sorry no one was home when you woke up (though you're probably used to it by now). Your mum and I had to take a business trip to Brighton. The trip only last until Thursday but we won't be back 'till Monday. There should be enough food in the house but if you need more we left a credit card taped to the back of this letter. IT IS FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY! You can have friends over but don't trash the house. We'll see you in a week.

I sigh for the hundredth time this morning. It's not that I don't like having the house to myself, it's just that I get lonely when I'm by myself for too long. The quiet always gives me an opportunity to overthink, which has been the cause of several panic attacks. I pull the credit card off the letter and stuff in in my pocket.

"Might as well not dwell on it," I say out loud to myself. Whenever I'm alone I speak my thoughts to fill the silence. I grab my backpack and slowly make my way to the front door, stopping at the hall closet to get another jacket since Phil still has my hoodie. When I have everything I need, I leave the house, locking the door behind me, and start my trek down the London streets to school.

Soon enough I'm greeted by two familiar faces. Jack and Finn Harries make their way over to me. The hundredth-one sigh comes from my mouth. I don't like Jack, he's a bully. The only reason I'm "friends" with him is because I don't like walking to school alone. Finn is pretty cool, but all he ever wants to take about is school work or some lame game, like Dungeons and Dragons.

"Good morning, mate!" Finn says acknowledging me after walking in silence for a few minutes.

"What's so good about it?" I reply in a slightly annoyed tone, surprising me and the Harries twins.

"Why do you always have to be such a downer?" Jack snaps at me. I do not feel like having this argument right now, so I put in my headphones and turn it all the way up. The sound of Madness by Muse tells them that the conversation is over.

Forever later, we finally arrive at school. We disperse into our usual groups. Jack goes with the bullies and rebels and Finn joins a game of chess with the geeks and nerds. I hang out with what I guess you can call the popular kids.

They're not that bad of people to be around but I still sigh. They are standing in a semi-circle laughing about something. I'm not in the mood for this. I want to sink into a ball and cry myself to sleep, but I put on my happy face anyway and start towards the group. This is going to be a long day.

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