Chapter two: The unexpected twist of fate

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"I am the Goddess of Fate. I determine the fate of others without knowing my own fate. Events that affect myself, but that I cannot influence myself, are without any logic for me.....

I don't understand these kind of things and that's why they don't make any sense to me...."

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When Atropos woke up the next morning, it seemed to be a normal day like any other. The only difference was that today her duties as the Goddess of Fate would begin. She decided to get up earlier than usual to fulfill her duties. She got ready, put on her usual white and pink shimmering dress and braided her hair loosely to the side. She put her favorite flower hair clip in her hair, got up and went to the workroom, where Klotho and Lachesis were already working.

Klotho was busy spinning threads as she greeted her sister, "Good morning, big sister! Today, so many human children are born. I can hardly keep myself busy!" Atropos smiled and spoke encouragement to her. While Lachesis was measuring the new threads spun by her younger sister and taking notes, she also looked at Atropos and greeted her. "Good morning! I have rechecked some threads and saw that for some people their time has come. Please decide what to do with them."

Atropos nodded and sat down in her chair to inspect the threads and read through her sister's notes. Some cases were immediately clear to Atropos. Either their time had come due to illness or old age. Sometimes, however, it was not easy for Atropos to decide whether it was right to let this person die and, if so, what kind of death was appropriate.

If she ever had doubts, she always remembered her mother's words: "Always be objective and decide according to the first thought that comes to your mind." She always took these words to heart, because it made her decisions easier.

Once she had decided, she took her golden scissors and, thinking of the way of death and cut the thread of life of the person. She then took the black and gold book labeled Book of the Deceased and wrote the name as well as the manner of death in the book. The book was divided into two sections: Valhalla and Helheim. Whenever she saw good or evil in the person's deeds, she would write the name in the section for either Valhalla or Helheim. Today I will have to send many people to Helheim, Atropos thought, while suddenly the events with Hades at yesterday's party popped back into her mind. This did not go unnoticed by her two sisters.

Lachesis decided to be the first to break the silence. "Tell me, sister... how was it dancing with Hades sama yesterday? What did you talk about?" Klotho stopped the spinning wheel for a brief moment to listen to her sister's answer. Atropos felt the penetrating gazes of her two sisters resting on her. She sighed briefly and then decided to answer, "It was... beautiful..... He invited me to his castle in Helheim...."

Klotho and Lachesis' eyes were suddenly filled with great curiosity all at once. "What!!! What did you say?!", they both said, looking at Atropos with even deeper gazes. "Nothing.... He said that I can decide until he returns to Helheim. Nothing more.... and he hugged me. That's it.", she replied in a slightly ashamed voice. Lachesis fell off her chair in shock, while Klotho laughed at her. "Oooohhh, big sister..... I think he has his eyes on you!" said Lachesis, trying to sit back down on her chair.

"What?! What nonsense!" replied Atropos, embarrassed. Her entire face was now so flushed that you could compare her redness to a tomato. Klotho laughed and said, "Look! Her face is red! She likes him!" Both sisters giggled with delight while Atropos hid her face in her hands. Do I really like him? I'm so confused....

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