Chapter twelve: An unexpected surprise

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I can't stand it anymore... I want you... and I need you...

I am desperately in love with you, Aisa!

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Hades had been gone for a few days now. She had not heard from him during that time, so she decided to go to Valhalla and visit her family. She talked to her mother about her relationship with Hades.

"You shouldn't take this too much to heart, my child. He is very busy and does everything for you. He loves you. I'm very sure of that," her mother said, trying to comfort her. Atropos nodded, but did not feel like answering. She decided to go to the palace garden and read a book to distract herself. She sat down on a bench and enjoyed the silence. After a while, she was interrupted.

"I didn't know you were here," said a voice behind her. It was Hermes, who greeted her. Atropos smiled. She was actually glad to see him. She stood up and hugged him. Tears stood in her eyes. Hermes was surprised, but returned the hug. "Is everything all right?" he asked, trying to comfort her. She shook her head. Hermes stroked her head and said, "Come with me, so you can tell me what is bothering you."

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Once in his room, she sat down on the sofa and wiped the tears from her face. Hermes sat down next to her and put his arm around her. She told him everything. The feeling that Hades was moving away from her and would no longer love her, his last attempts to touch her and the feeling of having been taken advantage of,....

Hermes thought for a moment and finally said, "I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding. He loves you. He would do anything for you, and everything he does, he does for you." Atropos looked to him. "Then why is he so dismissive of me? Where has he been going for weeks, and why does he sometimes not come home without calling? He said there was an uprising in Helheim, but he didn't tell me anything in detail...."

Hermes sighed. "I shouldn't really telling you this, but he's been fighting this uprising in Helheim for weeks and has made sure to always clean himself of blood so you won't worry. He didn't tell you because he didn't want you involved." Atropos reacted in shock. "Why? We promised each other then that we would tell each other everything and not hide anything anymore.... I thought he trusted me.... I feel so alone...." She buried her face in her hands and cried. Hermes hugged her and whispered, "He trusts you. Don't worry and stop crying. I am here for you."

Atropos returned his embrace. "Forgive me, Hermes. I burden you with this, though I have rejected you. Yet you are always there for me...." She looked at him with a sad expression. Hermes put his hand on her face and smiled. "I will always be there for you... and that will never change."

Tears streamed down her face. Hermes approached her face and kissed her on the mouth. Atropos was surprised and paralyzed. But at the same time, she felt the warmth of his lips and his comfort. For a brief moment, she liked Hermes' embrace, so that she tightened her grip around him.

He pushed her down on the sofa and moved his hands to her thighs while he tried to pull up her dress on her thighs. At this moment she regained her composure and pulled her face away from his. She blushed and was shocked about her own behaviour. Hermes looked at her and apologized. "Forgive me... I shouldn't have done that." Atropos looked at him and stood up. "No,...forgive me. It was my fault.... I have to go...."

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Atropos returned to Helheim the same day. What did I do? I kissed Hermes.... I have betrayed Hades.... Upon her arrival, while she was deeply lost in her thoughts, to her surprise, Hades was already waiting for her in the castle. She looked at him in surprise and said, "You're...back? Since when?" Hades went to her and hugged her. "I came back a little while ago. When you weren't here, I was a little worried...." Atropos returned his hug and looked down at him. He was covered in blood and his arm was injured. She looked at him with concern.

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